Having a pretty chill day in the midst of a lot of work. Just trying to have a good time on my own.
The only thing I remember about this podcast was that it's a bad idea. It's a party. Everyone's talking to each other. There's no...
Too many thoughts in my head bro. Gotta release them.
Mentions / Resources: HigherDOSE Sauna Bag ~ https://higherdose.com/?utm_source=google&utm_campaign=10274166939&utm_term=higher%20dose&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=634407957032&gclid=Cj0KCQiA99ybBhD9ARIsALvZavWcwii__plMgLP_ZuGtOAP6ZAhi3gOK2dF0tVeV6V4neMTXIN7RNcoaAjZnEALw_wcB Run It (ft. Annika Wells) by Midnight Kids ~ https://open.spotify.com/track/3n3Oags848AKzbYH6qz5qX?si=5b6222827c5f4a9f Time by Pink Floyd ~ https://open.spotify.com/track/3TO7bbrUKrOSPGRTB5MeCz?si=9109ebadd8e24eaf...