10: Elena Barajas - An Intense Tripping Out Journey (not your usual trip)

Episode 10 September 26, 2022 02:15:34
10: Elena Barajas - An Intense Tripping Out Journey (not your usual trip)
Amelia's Escape
10: Elena Barajas - An Intense Tripping Out Journey (not your usual trip)

Sep 26 2022 | 02:15:34


Show Notes

I remember this podcast very fondly. Whenever a family member goes through what is popularly described as a "mental breakdown", you don't really know what's going through the individual's head. This conversation gave me a lot of insight on how these events transpire. I have a theory, mostly influenced by Duncan Trussell's analysis, that mental breakdowns are a natural response from your body / mind to reset your way of life and GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE SITUATION YOU'RE IN. Stress is real and sometimes it's too much. Don't judge people for breaking down. We're all trying to get through life. It's really hard sometimes. Even unbearable.


The original airdate for this podcast was on: 03-09-2021

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