This is my MUTHA FUKIN BROTHA FOR LIFE Syddog. In this episode she's PREGNANT WITH A MUTHA FUKIN BABY and we're catching up from years of separation and disconnection. It was really fun getting to talk to her. Gotta love Sydney. Always.
Original Air Date: 08-24-2021
P.S. Her baby's about to turn one in like a month on the posting of this episode... yeh. Not my most productive time, I guess, for personal projects. Gotta heal. Gotta heal. Gotta heal.
I have no idea what this podcast is about. It's been a long time. My guesses are my grandparents, me constantly trying to figure...
I thoroughly enjoyed watching this movie and I hope you do too. I also give baby food reviews in this episode.
Ehhh I don't really feel like typing in a personalized description for this episode. Resources / Mentions: An Amazing Journey Into the Psychotic Mind...