Ep.24 Femininity, New Perspectives and Ideals with Laura Hightower | Amelia's Escape

Episode 24 January 07, 2024 04:03:26
Ep.24 Femininity, New Perspectives and Ideals with Laura Hightower | Amelia's Escape
Amelia's Escape
Ep.24 Femininity, New Perspectives and Ideals with Laura Hightower | Amelia's Escape

Jan 07 2024 | 04:03:26


Show Notes

Here’s my last podcast with Laura: https://youtu.be/ntcI-Vt-GZE


Mentions / Resources:

Radleigh Valentine: Angel Tarot Cards - https://a.co/d/ayJiSwt

Radleigh Valentine: The Big Book of Angel Tarot - https://a.co/d/f4lBXau

Aubrey Marcus - https://www.youtube.com/@AubreyMarcusPod

The Office / Michael buys Pam’s art scene - https://youtu.be/rAixASB9dEg

Joe Dispenza - https://www.youtube.com/@drjoedispenza

Jesus Christ Superstar



00:00 - Introduction

01:48 - Scorpio Slump November

10:56 - Creating Horoscopes

13:00 - Mars in Retrograde

17:42 - Not all the stars are against you

21:55 - If you won the lottery

25:38 - Ghosts

29:07 - Books Pt.1

32:26 - Mice story / caught up in routine

37:26 - Books Pt.2 Characters & Story

39:32 - Movies I rewatch

43:15 - Futurama / Erasing memory

45:14 - Rubbing off on others

51:08 - Laura's Tarot Card Reading / Questions

54:20 - How did I do last month? Nine of Swords

59:54 - 9S. Tiny Book Summary & Reaction

01:04:18 - What should be my new focus?

01:10:38 - Eight of Fire / It's Christmas! Hell yeah

01:13:59 - 8F. Tiny Book Summary

01:18:18 - Strength / Kindness

01:24:18 - Str. Cooperation, love & peace

01:32:40 - Money is Energy

01:37:54 - Using honey instead of vinegar / femininity

01:45:55 - Ace of Swords

01:51:59 - AS. Pessimism & Losing Faith

01:56:08 - AS. Manifestation / Joe Dispenza

02:01:09 - Overall Reading Summary & Reaction

02:02:25 - Intermission

02:03:45 - Time to read my cards!

02:19:43 - Intermission Pt.2

02:24:15 - Three of Water

02:52:26 - 3oW Summary: Relax! / Chickens

03:01:15 - Four of Fire

03:16:44 - Queen of Fire

03:36:26 - Knight of Fire

03:44:48 - Tiny Book Summaries

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Hi. [00:00:00] Speaker B: I just forgot to press record. Okay. There we go. My phone's also at 27%. I am not prepared at all. I'm just going to put my charger on. It's not a big deal. Okay. [00:00:14] Speaker A: I was like, oh, my gosh, I'm going to be on the test. [00:00:18] Speaker B: No, you're good now. We could be as long as possible. I was going to ask you, should I take an edible or no? [00:00:24] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:00:25] Speaker B: Okay. [00:00:28] Speaker A: I was going to smoke before this, but then my lighter gave up on me. [00:00:32] Speaker B: That sucks, man. That really sucks. [00:00:36] Speaker A: Just use a stove lamp. Yeah, I have another one somewhere, but I lost it. [00:00:43] Speaker B: Sad days. [00:00:44] Speaker A: I don't know what to do. [00:00:47] Speaker B: Maybe I'll be sober if you want. [00:00:50] Speaker A: Whatever you want. [00:00:51] Speaker B: You already said yes, didn't you? [00:00:53] Speaker A: I did, but I mean, hey, what are you feeling? What do you want? [00:01:00] Speaker B: I'm feeling like. I. [00:01:05] Speaker A: Don'T know. [00:01:06] Speaker B: Honestly, I've been sobering it up for one day in a row. [00:01:16] Speaker A: One day in a row. [00:01:22] Speaker B: So I feel a little good about that, but also, like, I don't know. I don't want to be scared of being high. [00:01:29] Speaker A: Yeah. I mean, it's good to take little breaks every once in a while. You can do it for your tolerance or just to take a break. It's good. But hey, if you're feeling it, I say go for it. There's nothing wrong with that. You know what I mean? [00:01:46] Speaker B: Okay, I'll do it. [00:01:48] Speaker A: Okay. So how was your month? Um. How was November? [00:02:01] Speaker B: November, you know, it started off really good right after the podcast because I was very energized and I was very motivated to start new projects. It's funny because mid month I was like, man, I should go to ask Laura if we should do a podcast tomorrow. And the very next day, I just felt, like, in a slump right after, I was like, oh, I should have a podcast with Laura. I feel great. And then the day after, I was like, I don't know, feeling not as. [00:02:40] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, I think I felt that, too last month. You know what? Like, it was really good. And then it just started to feel like everything was, like, dragging. You know what I mean? [00:02:55] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:02:56] Speaker A: Felt kind of like a chore. Yeah. [00:03:01] Speaker B: I don't know. [00:03:03] Speaker A: I don't know. I've been talking to people about Scorpio season and about how it's hard for me every year. [00:03:14] Speaker B: Scorpio season? [00:03:15] Speaker A: Yeah. Like that whole era, it was like, I think it goes from mid October until mid November. And then once it went into Sagittarius, I don't know. I look forward to that every year. You know what I mean? That transition from that, because it makes the energy just a lot less heavy. Do you feel that, too, or is that just me? [00:03:52] Speaker B: So when does Sagittarius start? [00:03:54] Speaker A: It start. Let me look. It's mid November, which is interesting. That. Isn't that like. I guess that's kind of when you start having a hard time. So maybe, I don't know. That's weird. [00:04:11] Speaker B: That is weird because that's exactly when I started feeling like I'm in a slump. [00:04:19] Speaker A: Is it your project? [00:04:23] Speaker B: Maybe it's 100% my project. It's always about my project. [00:04:32] Speaker A: It's always my project. November 22. So I guess kind of the end of November. It's like a week ago. [00:04:41] Speaker B: A week ago, yeah. [00:04:44] Speaker A: So I don't know, maybe that has something to do with, like, because I feel like you're hearing a lot, like, you don't need to focus on your projects, but I feel like also you kind of get a lot of fulfillment from that. [00:05:05] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:05:06] Speaker A: That's kind of like your thing, committing yourself to. I don't know. Because you like talking to people a lot, too. [00:05:15] Speaker B: Yeah, that's it, too. I haven't been talking to people for a while, so maybe I should talk to people. [00:05:21] Speaker A: Maybe that's what it is. [00:05:23] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:05:24] Speaker A: Need to collaborate with people more. You should have just called me. [00:05:27] Speaker B: I should have. Every time, man. Fucking every time. I want to do something and I restrict myself because of whatever reason, it always makes me feel terrible. [00:05:41] Speaker A: Oh, man. Oh, dang. Oh, man. I know. I kind of felt it, too. Like, halfway through, I was kind of like, I could use another reading because what it was was I felt like I had finished what I was kind of meant to do, and then I was like, all right, now what? But I kind of took that as time to. I've been more relaxing because that's what we kind of learned with the tarot cards last time, my thing was like, I was kind of putting effort into something that wasn't giving me anything out of it, and I was pretty much, like, pouring myself into a bucket with a hole in it. You know what I mean? [00:06:41] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:06:43] Speaker A: And after that, I really took the time to stop worrying about stuff, and I would catch myself worrying about things that didn't matter. And then I was like, oh, man, this is exactly what it was talking about. And then after that, I was able to kind of find more peace, I guess, in my life and where I'm at and be present versus trying to fix everything all the time. [00:07:13] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:07:14] Speaker A: So I feel like I wasn't as restless as you've kind of been. [00:07:20] Speaker B: Okay. [00:07:21] Speaker A: But anyways, also I wanted to mention that when you said that you're like, what is it? There's, like, this resistance. Mars is in retrograde right now. [00:07:43] Speaker B: Okay, what does that. [00:07:49] Speaker A: Means? Okay, so Mars is all about, like. It's about your energy. It's about your drive, your ambition. Your get up and go with things. You know what I mean? [00:08:06] Speaker B: Okay. When did that start? [00:08:09] Speaker A: That went into retrograde. Let me look. And Mars retrogrades are usually really rough. October 30. [00:08:22] Speaker B: Okay, so it was a while ago. [00:08:24] Speaker A: Yeah, it was kind of a while ago. I have a book that talks about retrogrades. And I can pull up the little Mars retrograde thing. But I feel like that might have something to do with it because a lot of people, they have hard times with know, and you're a fire sign too. And Mars, it has a lot of fire energy in it. It rules over Aries. You've heard about retrogrades and stuff, right? [00:09:10] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:09:11] Speaker A: You know about that. [00:09:13] Speaker B: Like, they're supposed to do the opposite of what they usually. [00:09:21] Speaker A: I mean. No, not necessarily the opposite. It more like has a hard time doing what it usually. [00:09:32] Speaker B: Okay. [00:09:33] Speaker A: For example, mercury retrogrades. Mercury is about communication and technology and travel, things like that. And so when that goes into retrograde, those sorts of things, they malfunction. Technology malfunctions a lot. People get in a lot of car accidents. I feel like I see a lot of car accidents when mercury goes into retrograde. [00:10:05] Speaker B: Okay. [00:10:13] Speaker A: There was this one year when it was Thanksgiving and mercury went into retrograde. And all the power went out in Beaumont for like three days. [00:10:33] Speaker B: Was that last? [00:10:35] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, that was last year. [00:10:37] Speaker B: Yeah. That happened to my aunt. She was having a hard time on Thanksgiving. [00:10:40] Speaker A: It was horrible. [00:10:41] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:10:42] Speaker A: It was like a really rough thanksgiving. [00:10:45] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:10:47] Speaker A: And I genuinely think it's Mercury's fault. [00:10:51] Speaker B: Makes sense. [00:10:53] Speaker A: I really do. This is one thing I'm trying to learn more about is, like, creating horoscopes for people. You know what I mean? Like being able to look at how the planets are moving and interacting and seeing how it affects a person's chart. That's how it affects their daily life in a way that they notice. [00:11:23] Speaker B: How do you learn that? [00:11:28] Speaker A: See a lot of it, I'm trying to figure out. But what I've been trying to do is I look at what position the planets are in today. And then I like to go on the person's chart and see if they have placements in those things. That are happening today. Like, for example, when I look at what signs all the planets are in right now, I see there's a lot going on in Sagittarius. It's the Sagittarius sun, Mercury and Venus. So I could see that and I could look at your chart and I could be like, oh, so your Sagittarius placements are going to, I guess, work a lot easier. It's going to feel more like comfortable. I don't know, it's kind of hard to explain. It's a lot easier on my chart because I feel like I see it more because I notice my own personal things. [00:12:53] Speaker B: Yeah, that makes sense. You're going to know more about yourself than other people. [00:13:00] Speaker A: Okay, so I found my little couple paragraphs about what kind of things happened during Mars retrogrades. Okay. [00:13:11] Speaker B: Okay. So is Mars still in retrograde? [00:13:15] Speaker A: It is in retrograde right now. So Mars is actually the longest personal planet retrograde. It goes on for 26 months, which is like, my God, two years. What's like over two years? Oh, wait, no, sorry. Every 26 months. Oh. [00:13:38] Speaker B: I was like, it doesn't even make any sense. It just happens for two years. [00:13:47] Speaker A: Like, gosh, no, it happens every 26 months and it lasts ten weeks. [00:13:54] Speaker B: Okay. [00:13:56] Speaker A: What's that? Like two months? Okay, that's a lot better. [00:13:59] Speaker B: That is a lot better. [00:14:00] Speaker A: I said it out loud. I was like, that's not right. That doesn't sound right. [00:14:07] Speaker B: So you said it started October 30. [00:14:11] Speaker A: Okay, so we have probably like. [00:14:19] Speaker B: Until mid January. [00:14:21] Speaker A: A month and a half, I guess. [00:14:22] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:14:26] Speaker A: So I'm not going to read this whole thing, but it pretty much says that Mars is the planet of anger and aggression. And it moving backwards means that people are going to be more irritable and frustrated and we're going to question our direction and goals and forward momentum stalls out and so does our energy. It makes us more tired and cranky and discouraged. This says no tattoos, which is interesting. It says Mars is associated with sharp objects. So no to tattoos. And don't start anything new if you can help it. Whoops. Whoops. Well, you're always starting something new. [00:15:28] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:15:30] Speaker A: It says initiators lose during a Mars retrograde, and that includes talking to someone in court or filing for divorce. Initiators lose. That's not good news for you. Let's see why. Mmm. It brings up old rage and resentment and it can kind of cause you to go backwards in those areas of your life. See, a lot of the time with retrogrades, it causes you to step backwards and kind of reflect on what you've been doing and what's been going on in your life in regards to that planet and what kind of things that planet rules. [00:16:33] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:16:35] Speaker A: So I feel like that may be a big part of your little situation. [00:16:42] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:16:43] Speaker A: But the good news is that's the only planet in retrograde right now. [00:16:48] Speaker B: Okay. [00:16:49] Speaker A: So it's not like there's too much going on, but I feel like that's a really big one. I noticed fire signs have a harder time with Mars retrogrades. I know my dad, he has a hard time with them because he's an Aries, and that's the Aries planet. [00:17:06] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:17:10] Speaker A: And also, too, you have that Aries moon. [00:17:13] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:17:14] Speaker A: I mean, you're entirely. You have so much fire sign in your chart, it's pretty crazy. It makes sense why you do a lot of initiating and a lot of stuff. You're excitable about things, I think. [00:17:33] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:17:36] Speaker A: You get excited and you want to start new things. Yeah. That's what I got on the whole Mars thing right now. That's the main thing. I noticed when I first, because I read what you said on there and then I was kind of like, let me look and see what kind of things I could see that would confirm that right now. But I feel like it's also easily compatible. You could kind of take that whole stepping back and reflecting and use that to your advantage because it's not like all the stars are not in your favor right now in that aspect. There are other really big planets in Sagittarius. Jupiter is in Pisces right now, which is really lucky. It's like really lucky timing. Pisces feels very at home in that place, and Jupiter is the planet of luck. And things could really go your way if you just kind of let it know and just kind of keep inching towards what you're going know. [00:19:00] Speaker B: Okay, so how long is Jupiter doing? Whatever it's doing, Jupiter is going to. [00:19:05] Speaker A: Be like that until December 20. Okay. Yeah. And then it goes into Aries, which, I mean, it's fine, but I don't know. Things could move really easily and flowy if you just kind of let it do its thing and kind of like, you can even push your luck a little around this time, I would say, if you want to. [00:19:37] Speaker B: How does one push their luck? [00:19:42] Speaker A: It would be kind of like, I think of like buying a lotto tickets or taking risks a lot. Kind of believing in yourself and believing in things that don't really come off as possible because I don't know, you know what luck is? Yeah. You could just kind of go for it and just kind of hope that you're going to get lucky with stuff and just trust that you're a lucky person. [00:20:24] Speaker B: That's nice. [00:20:25] Speaker A: You've been lucky thus far. [00:20:27] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:20:31] Speaker A: I've been feeling pretty lucky lately. [00:20:33] Speaker B: With what? [00:20:37] Speaker A: Um. I've been wanting to buy a lottery ticket. I've been thinking a lot about the lottery lately. [00:20:45] Speaker B: Yeah, we did it like, a few weeks ago. [00:20:50] Speaker A: Did you? [00:20:50] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:20:51] Speaker A: Did you win anything? [00:20:53] Speaker B: I don't think so. I don't know. [00:20:57] Speaker A: Yeah, it's kind of complicated to bet in the lottery. I bought some tickets one time and you had to fill it out like a worksheet and it was weird. [00:21:10] Speaker B: Yeah. His parents did it for us. They're like, hey, just pick some numbers and we'll fight for you. [00:21:17] Speaker A: That's cool. [00:21:18] Speaker B: It was funny because on that day, it glitched out and it took like a day for it to come longer than it usually does. Oh, no, the numbers. So that was interesting. And it was like, the first time his parents involved us in it and. [00:21:36] Speaker A: It got, like, all messed up. [00:21:38] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:21:40] Speaker A: That'S cool. Hey, maybe you were supposed to win. And they like, yeah, we're thinking that. [00:21:48] Speaker B: They'Re like, fudging the numbers. [00:21:50] Speaker A: They're like, no, erase that. Oh, man. What would you do if you won the lottery? What would you do with it? [00:22:02] Speaker B: The first thing I'd buy, I have so many things I want to buy. I'd buy an NPC live two, and then I'd buy a piano, and then I'd buy a rodecaster crow. And I have so many things I want to buy. [00:22:15] Speaker A: A bunch of projects. [00:22:18] Speaker B: I was just going to say I would hire animators for the animation I want to do so I don't have to animate it myself. There's like, so many projects. I'd hire a game development team so I could start making my game. [00:22:31] Speaker A: Oh, my God. [00:22:34] Speaker B: I'd contact a studio and see if they could collaborate with me with the songs I'm writing. And there's so much stuff. I already have a plan. For my next year's money. [00:22:50] Speaker A: I'd hire a gaming company, developers to create my video game and also the studio. You want to do everything under the umbrella. Yeah. [00:23:04] Speaker B: It's kind of like, such a bad idea because you need to focus on projects because the main thing you hear about people who fail at their projects is when they do too much. And I think that's what I'm doing. [00:23:18] Speaker A: No, don't say that. You can't put all your eggs in one basket. [00:23:22] Speaker B: Yeah, that is true. [00:23:24] Speaker A: You really can't. You're not going to enjoy that. [00:23:26] Speaker B: And I feel better when I do more projects because I get bored easily. That's kind of how I consume stuff, too. I'm reading this book and it's been taking months, and I put it down and I pick up another book and then I put that down and I pick up the other book and I just, like, I flip between books when I'm reading. [00:23:46] Speaker A: You're like, start a new one. [00:23:52] Speaker B: And I keep on buying new books and I just receive them and I don't even read them for, like, months. [00:24:01] Speaker A: Amelia. [00:24:02] Speaker B: What? [00:24:04] Speaker A: When are you going to finish them? What are you hoping to finish first? Yes. In general, one thing, probably my album. Your album? [00:24:20] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:24:21] Speaker A: That's cool. [00:24:22] Speaker B: Yeah. That one's a little scary, though, because I don't know anything about music, so I'm not really sure what to do. And I'm like, I need to start learning piano. I got some synchronicities on the universe telling me to learn piano. [00:24:37] Speaker A: Okay. [00:24:38] Speaker B: But I don't know, I just get so scared. [00:24:41] Speaker A: Pianos are really cool. [00:24:42] Speaker B: Yeah, they are really cool. And I've been listening to a lot of dark academia and classical music, and it's just, like, inspiring me a lot. [00:24:50] Speaker A: That's cool. I have a keyboard. I learned how to play for Elise on it, but I play it really slow and I have to watch the little YouTube video while I play it. I can't play it without it. [00:25:09] Speaker B: Do you have an 88 key? Because I have, like, a 61 key and every song I try to learn, it goes off of. It's not in my range and it makes me so frustrated. [00:25:19] Speaker A: Me, too. Me, too. I just skip those notes. [00:25:23] Speaker B: Yeah, me, too. I just get so mad, though. It makes me so mad. [00:25:28] Speaker A: I know, because it ruins the whole thing. [00:25:31] Speaker B: Yeah. And I'm like, oh, it turns into this really nice part right now and I can't play it. [00:25:35] Speaker A: Yeah, I know. It sucks. I want a huge grand piano when I get a house. [00:25:42] Speaker B: Me, too. I have so much to do with my money. [00:25:46] Speaker A: Can you just imagine having a room in your house that's, like, empty and dark and it has, like, wood floors on it and there's just a single grand piano in there with, like, a vase on it and you just go in there and play the most dramatic music for hours. [00:26:08] Speaker B: That sounds so fun, doesn't it? [00:26:11] Speaker A: When I'm a ghost, that's what I want to do. [00:26:15] Speaker B: You have a plan. [00:26:24] Speaker A: That'S where I'm going to be? No, but like. Yeah. Do you not, have you not thought about it? [00:26:35] Speaker B: About being a ghost? Honestly? No. I'm like too caught up in my life right now. I can't think that far ahead. [00:26:45] Speaker A: Yeah, I guess you're right. I don't know. I like scary movies and ghosts are always doing something, like, creepy and cool. You know what I mean? [00:26:59] Speaker B: Ghosts used to be like, I think my top fear. Yeah. Because the first fear was ghosts, the next fear was aliens. It's basically stuff I can control, but now they're not my fear anymore because I've been getting more into spirituality and I feel more in control of being able to banish them and just put a protection over myself and stuff. [00:27:25] Speaker A: Right. Yeah, no, it is scary. Stuff like that is really scary. And it can be so scary watching videos about spirituality because these girls, some of them do play with demons. They're crazy. [00:27:44] Speaker B: Yeah, I don't like that. [00:27:45] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't like it either. I don't know, I watch it. I'm kind of like. I like hearing what they have to say about what they do because everybody's got their own thing they're doing. [00:27:59] Speaker B: Yeah. I don't want to be closed minded, but it also feels like playing with fire. [00:28:05] Speaker A: Yes. That is the part I don't like about it. And I don't like the idea that there's people who worship certain things and that's who they talk to when they are doing anything like that. That's not what I do. That's not what I believe. When I'm dabbling in spirituality, I think I'm talking to God, the spirit, universe, soul. Like that whole thing. I think of it all as like one thing. [00:28:46] Speaker B: Yeah, I was going to say something like that. Even if you talk to specific angels or something, they're all just a part of this whole massive thing. You shouldn't just focus on one entity because that's kind of like cultish. [00:28:58] Speaker A: Yeah, that's a hot take. That's good. It is kind of cultish. I didn't think about it like that. Have you seen that though, where they do like the deities and stuff? [00:29:11] Speaker B: No, but I've read a few books on, like, by read, I mean how I usually read books about archangels and just like small things like that. When I say books, I mean like a single book by Damien Echols who. [00:29:30] Speaker A: Was buying a spirituality book and reading it cover to cover, though. I feel like books like that are meant for referencing. [00:29:39] Speaker B: You're right. Like a dictionary. [00:29:41] Speaker A: Yeah. I have probably like, six or seven astrology books, and I just kind of reference them. I go through and I find little things, and usually when I first get one, I flip through it and I look through everything it has to say about me. And then later, if something comes up in conversation or something, I'll be like, oh, I have the perfect book for that. And I pull it out, and then I find a little paragraph, and it works great. That's kind of like my system. And I feel like it's okay to do that. And then be like, yeah, I read. I'm not sitting down and pulling out Shakespeare and reading it cover to cover, but I read a book. I read. [00:30:33] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm a bit hard on myself because I'm like, I'm not too much of a reader, but if I do consider. I do read books occasionally, so, I don't know, it's kind of weird. [00:30:44] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't know. I have a shorter attention span, too. I don't read storybooks hardly ever. I don't really like them much. I did read one in high school. That was cool. But I wouldn't make the time to go read that again. You know what I mean? [00:31:05] Speaker B: Wait, so what do you read, then? [00:31:10] Speaker A: I read astrology books. Usually I read. I like the art of War. I'm, like, looking at my bookshelf right now. I really like that book, the art of War. It's interesting to compare that to things that aren't war, and, I don't know, look at how people interact with each other and stuff. I have some poetry books, but I honestly don't read them that often. Sometimes I'll pull them out to feel, like, artistic, and I'll read a few poems, but it's not something that I'm, like. I wouldn't consider that a hobby or even a big part of my reading, but it's something I do. Yeah, I mostly like to read about life. If I'm going to Barnes and Noble, I like to go to the self help and all that section. Those are the books I usually find the most interesting. [00:32:25] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:32:26] Speaker A: There was this one book I read, and it was kind of like a metaphor for how it's okay to move on from places. And it was under the business book section, which was kind of interesting. It talked about these mice who they used to all go to this area where they had a bunch of Cheese. Right? There were four mice. They all went to this area, and two of the mice, they decided before the cheese ran out that they were going to go look for more cheese. They're going to get up and leave. And they were going to move on with their life, but the other two mice decided, no, there's plenty of cheese here. We'll be fine. We're going to stay exactly where we are. We're going to do the same thing we do every day. We get up, we put our shoes on, and we go get cheese. So the entire time, these two mice were doing their same thing they do every day. The mice who left, they ended up finding this other area that had way more cheese. I think it even had an area where they could make their own cheese. It was great. It was way more prosperous. And meanwhile, you go back to the other mice, and eventually they ran through that entire cheese supply, and they got so fat and so caught up in their day to day life that they weren't able to then make it to the other mice who had their thing going. They pretty much cranked out and they became super lazy. And the whole point of it was like, don't get caught up in the same job. Just because it's feeding you now doesn't mean it's going to last forever. And it's okay to look and be able to actively move and look for new things, which is interesting. [00:34:40] Speaker B: Yeah. That makes me really sad because it reminds me of my family. [00:34:47] Speaker A: Yeah, it kind of makes me sad, too. Yeah. [00:34:51] Speaker B: Because. [00:34:54] Speaker A: Some people can't. They get old and they can't go get new jobs. [00:35:00] Speaker B: Yeah. It's just like, I feel like everyone just doesn't really believe that they could do anything more with their lives. And maybe they even want to do something more, but they stunt themselves from doing anything. [00:35:20] Speaker A: Some people don't want to go into the same mountain of cheese every day until it runs out. I also don't want. Wait, what did you say? You could be prospering if you just work a little harder. And a big part of it, too, was the other mice had to work a lot harder. [00:35:41] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:35:42] Speaker A: But it ended up paying off for them. [00:35:45] Speaker B: Yeah. Whenever I hear a story like this, I'm like, I can relate that to my life, but I also don't want to feel like a fucking bummer and be like, you guys aren't really doing anything, and just, I don't know. Yeah, I don't want to be that person, so I just want people to live their life, too. But it just makes me sad because I meet people, I'm like, you could be doing more, and it makes me really sad. [00:36:12] Speaker A: You always want the best for people. Yeah, I guess you're right. And it does make it kind of like a sad damper on things. But I think, really, the point of it is to be ambitious, and it's kind of to remind yourself that you don't have to do the same thing you do every day. Because me, I'm somebody who gets caught up in my routine a lot. I find a lot of comfort in having a routine I do every day. I find a lot of identity, actually, in my routine and who I am every day. And I feel like that's okay, but it's also good to kind of push yourself out of your comfort zone, and it's something I kind of wish I did a little more. [00:37:12] Speaker B: Well, you could still do it. [00:37:14] Speaker A: I can. Nothing stopping me. I will, and I do, but probably not enough. [00:37:21] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:37:25] Speaker A: So, I don't know. That's what I like to read. It's more like, about life. I'm not a big fan of getting lost in the story in a book. I'd rather do that watching a movie or a tv show or something. [00:37:42] Speaker B: Yeah. I consume my books the same way I consume my tv and my movies, because. [00:37:49] Speaker A: What do you like to read? [00:37:52] Speaker B: I have a bunch of nonfiction books with people that I know and not people that I know in real life, but people that I've watched in real life. I've heard the audiobook from John H. John Benjamin, where it's, like, failure is an option twice, and I'm going to do it a third time. I've been wanting to listen to that again. Read it again. [00:38:16] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:38:20] Speaker B: It'S really good. [00:38:22] Speaker A: There you go. I love nonfiction books. A good story about what to do in life. It's great. I love hearing an opinion. [00:38:35] Speaker B: Yeah. But I also like storybooks, too. There's this one book called Lilith about this aside on love story that I'm making, like, a multi series podcast of quotes that I really like in it, and I'm feeling really attached to the characters, and I'm, like, seeing myself in each character in the book, and I don't know. I don't know if it's just me that really translates a lot of story into my life. Maybe that's just an ability I have that other people don't really see too well, but, I don't know. I just get really attached to movies and books. I read and reread the Hunger Games twice this year. Like, in a single year. [00:39:23] Speaker A: Wow. [00:39:23] Speaker B: Yeah. And it was like, three months after I read it, I reread it again. [00:39:31] Speaker A: Dang. [00:39:32] Speaker B: And that's what I do with movies, too, because with movies, I rewatch them over and over again until I know every line almost, or every scene. And I'm so into what's going on there. [00:39:45] Speaker A: I feel like the way you are more able to connect to a character in a book than in watching, like, a movie, you're able to relate a lot more. [00:39:57] Speaker B: Yeah. Because of the internal dialogue. But also I relate to movie characters a lot. I don't find a lot of difficulty in relating to people and relating to stories or fiction. I don't know. [00:40:10] Speaker A: Okay. [00:40:12] Speaker B: Because. Shall I give an example? [00:40:15] Speaker A: Sure. Yeah. [00:40:19] Speaker B: What should I say? There's a lot of stuff that I rewatch all the time. So the movies that I have been rewatching over and over again is eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind. Groundhog Day. [00:40:32] Speaker A: So many people have told me to watch that movie. [00:40:35] Speaker B: It's really good. [00:40:37] Speaker A: Yeah. I need to. [00:40:39] Speaker B: I don't know why I rewatch Groundhog Day a lot, but for eternal sunshine. [00:40:45] Speaker A: You always talk about that movie. Do I really? Yeah. You love that movie. [00:40:51] Speaker B: Wait, when did I talk about it? [00:40:53] Speaker A: Groundhog Day. Because you just like the story. [00:41:00] Speaker B: I like it so much. [00:41:02] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:41:07] Speaker B: I think for that, it's more like the time loop that really gets my brain, like, pumping because I also watch russian doll a lot, which is a tv series, and that also does the time loop thing. I like time loop stories, but for eternal sunshine. Oh, my God. Eternal Sunshine is kind of the same, too, because I don't want to spoil it for you, but it has a lot to do with memory and stuff. [00:41:30] Speaker A: Well, I've heard about it. It's like, doesn't she love somebody? And she erases them from her memory and she sees things that remind her of the person, but she doesn't know why. [00:41:47] Speaker B: I don't want to talk about it because I want you to watch it yourself. But basically, I really like. I think the main thing I like about a lot of these movies is the director does really well with just their transitions and how they go about the real life world versus the memory wiping world. It's really nice. So just know that the way that it's filmed is not traditional. It's very nice. I just love the way it's directed a lot. [00:42:25] Speaker A: Yeah. That can really make a know, like, the way that it's put together. [00:42:31] Speaker B: Yeah. Because I thought the same thing about Scott Pilgrim versus the world because the transitions in that movie is really. That's a. That's kind of, like, more traditional movie making. But, like, eternal Sunshine is so its own genre that I can't really describe it. [00:42:49] Speaker A: Yeah, I got to watch that movie. [00:42:51] Speaker B: I agree. [00:42:52] Speaker A: I'm kind of nervous about it because, I don't know. It seems kind of heavy. You know what I mean? [00:42:57] Speaker B: It's really good. I watch it over and over again for months at a time. [00:43:05] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:43:06] Speaker B: It's really worth it. Yeah. I know almost every scene in that movie. [00:43:15] Speaker A: Wow. Shoot. So there's this one episode of Futurama, right, where Leela, she erases bry from her memory because I think she's under the impression she killed him. Right. And she doesn't want to remember him anymore because it makes her sad. [00:43:34] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:43:34] Speaker A: And she then I know that it's kind of, like, based off of that movie, because I've heard a bit about how the movie works and stuff, and she sees orange, and it reminds her of his orange hair, and she starts crying randomly. She's like, I don't know why I'm crying and stuff. Thinking about that, erasing an entire person and how they've affected your life from your memory, I feel like that is so, in a way, I've kind of thought about that, and what kind of person would I be if I didn't have certain people in my life? And the whole concept of that, it's sad. It's really sad to think about how much your relationships change who you are. Personally, I think you always kind of carry people with you in your heart. You're kind of a culmination of the people you have around you. [00:44:53] Speaker B: Yeah. And have ever encountered in your life. I don't believe in deleting people at all. I think every single part of your life is important, and it makes you the person that you are. So deleting a person is kind of deleting yourself. [00:45:12] Speaker A: It is kind of deleting yourself, and it's also kind of crazy to allow people to take part of you as their identity, too. [00:45:24] Speaker B: What do you mean? [00:45:26] Speaker A: You don't really get to pick. You don't get to pick how somebody expresses themselves and what they take from you. But when you make a new friend, they start to pick up on your behaviors. They pick up on the way you talk. Even reconnecting with old friends, as you talk to somebody, you kind of pick up each other's mannerisms as you speak to each other, and it can be really fun and exciting and all that stuff. But I found sometimes I catch myself getting a little bit like, ooh, that's my identity. I feel a little copied sometimes, and I know I shouldn't, and I catch myself, but there's been times when I've taken a little offense to it. [00:46:21] Speaker B: Oh, 100%. I was going to say the exact same thing. I was like, whenever that happens to me, I get so annoyed. [00:46:29] Speaker A: Yeah, it feels like the wrong thing to get annoyed, too, because the person's just being a person. I do it too. I can't help it. But sometimes I'm like, oh, you stole it. Me, you know? [00:46:48] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:46:50] Speaker A: Oh. Like, I do this thing when I don't want to do something, I'll be like, oh, that's so ugly. I don't want to do that. And I heard my coworker the other day be like, this is so ugly. And I was like, you stole my thing. You stole my joke. Yeah, it made me a little upset, but at the same time, I found it charming because I was like, oh, I'm rubbing off on her. I don't know. It's a compliment. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, but sometimes I don't like it. [00:47:30] Speaker B: Yeah, I don't know how to get around that. [00:47:33] Speaker A: It's cool. It just kind of is what it is. I've learned to appreciate it as I get older, but when I was younger, I would get genuinely upset. And I feel like it kind of had a bit to do with insecurity because I didn't know who I was yet. And I felt like once I got something that was me and that was mine, if somebody else was taking it and doing it themselves, it felt like they were taking my thunder. [00:48:08] Speaker B: Yeah. I feel the exact same way because I just feel insecure about myself in general, where I feel like no one likes me. So the parts that people do like about me, I hold them so closely, and I feel like a lot of what makes me me is my originality. So when I feel like my originality is being threatened by being adopted by other people, I'm like, okay, where the fuck do I get my worth now? If it's in everyone else now? [00:48:38] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. Where do I get my worth now? That was all I had. [00:48:47] Speaker B: You know how hard it was for me to make that personality? I finally got it right. You just took it. [00:48:58] Speaker A: And the thing is, too, is they don't ever go through what you went through. Stop that part of you. Okay. For a while, I felt a bit made fun of when I was like a kid for liking rock music and a lot of stuff that, I don't know, my dad listened to and stuff. [00:49:20] Speaker B: Right. [00:49:20] Speaker A: And then as I got older, I kind of started to embrace it. I started to listen to a lot of the stuff I grew up listening to, and I was able to make that a little bit a part of me. I shared it with people and stuff, and people found it really cool, and then somebody else would come along and listen to the same things as me and put it on as like they like it. And then it made me feel like it was stealing my center, but it never did. That never took away from me realizing myself and me liking the things I like for myself. It never took that away, but it felt like it did. [00:50:04] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:50:04] Speaker A: And that was just my initial insecurity in liking the thing in the first place. [00:50:09] Speaker B: Yeah. I think a lot of it comes from having a scarce mindset because it's assuming that there's a scarce amount of love in the world, but appreciating things kind of puts more energy into the thing that you're appreciating. [00:50:23] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:50:24] Speaker B: So it's a good thing that other people are liking your stuff because you could share that love with them. [00:50:29] Speaker A: Yeah. Also, it has a lot to do with the act of giving. You can appreciate other people and you can allow other people to have the spotlight. Sometimes it doesn't take anything away from you. Yeah, it took a while to learn that. I feel good about how I stand with that. But then there's other things, too, that I don't know. It always comes back sometimes when something new, but. Yeah. Do you want to read my cards? [00:51:11] Speaker B: Yeah. Fuck you. [00:51:13] Speaker A: I'm so excited for you to read my cards. [00:51:16] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:51:21] Speaker A: I'm excited. I'm just very excited. [00:51:23] Speaker B: Yeah, I need to read my own cards one of these days. [00:51:26] Speaker A: You should read it, too, on the podcast. I was going to tell you if you want to. [00:51:30] Speaker B: Oh, fuck, yeah, I would like that. You just want to be a witness. [00:51:34] Speaker A: Yeah, I just want to enjoy it with you. I want to hear about what's going on. [00:51:38] Speaker B: That's great, because I've been feeling like I need to read my own cards, but I just haven't been doing that. So maybe I've just been waiting for you. [00:51:47] Speaker A: You sensed it. [00:51:48] Speaker B: Yeah. Or maybe I was just procrastinating. Do you want the same deck as last time or a different deck? [00:51:58] Speaker A: You pick a deck for me. [00:52:01] Speaker B: Oh, my God. Say a random word. [00:52:07] Speaker A: Beans. [00:52:08] Speaker B: Fuck. What am I supposed to do with that? Like, I'll give you my bean card. [00:52:18] Speaker A: At the other place. Hi. Oh, my God. [00:52:38] Speaker B: I need to get, like, an actual. [00:52:44] Speaker A: Kidney cup. I don't even know. I don't know. I wish I'd do more tarot cards. I could make a better joke. Yeah, you really tried butchered that one. [00:52:58] Speaker B: Okay, well, we're doing the Radley Valentine one. [00:53:02] Speaker A: Okay. All right. Sweet. [00:53:04] Speaker B: Because he has a lot of youthful energy and fun energy. [00:53:10] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:53:11] Speaker B: So that's what that reminded me of. So I'll do his deck pictures as. [00:53:19] Speaker A: You'Re doing it, too. I like that. [00:53:21] Speaker B: Oh, fuck. Yeah. So what did you want to hear about? [00:53:28] Speaker A: Okay. I don't know how short I have to compress it, but I want to hear how I did last month in relation to the whole message from last time. And I want to hear what I should be hearing today. Okay. Yeah. [00:53:55] Speaker B: I was going to count all these cards, but there's 78 of them and I already lost count, so I'm not. [00:54:01] Speaker A: Going to do that. That's okay. [00:54:04] Speaker B: So you want to hear how good you did last month and what to hear now today? [00:54:12] Speaker A: Yeah. And what to work on? On myself, too. Is there anything to work on? Just what I need to hear. [00:54:20] Speaker B: Okay. I'll pull one card out for. How did I do last month? Is that good? [00:54:26] Speaker A: Yeah, that's cool. [00:54:28] Speaker B: And then I'll pull three cards for what you need to do now. [00:54:33] Speaker A: Okay. [00:54:34] Speaker B: I hope one card is good enough. What do you think? Okay, one card just popped out, so that's the card you get. [00:54:42] Speaker A: Okay. [00:54:46] Speaker B: Nine of air. I'll send it to you. [00:54:49] Speaker A: Nine of air? [00:54:51] Speaker B: Yeah. So air is swords, which is thoughts. And that's what you are, right? [00:54:56] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:54:57] Speaker B: Okay, let's do this. Where's my instagram? [00:55:08] Speaker A: This is so fun. [00:55:10] Speaker B: Yeah, isn't it so fun? [00:55:12] Speaker A: I'm nervous. I'm excited. Nine of eight or nine of shit. [00:55:18] Speaker B: I shouldn't have done flash. Let me do this again. It was okay before. It got worse. [00:55:26] Speaker A: Expecting the worst. Self fulfilling prophecies. Sleepless night. Yeah. [00:55:45] Speaker B: I'm glad you said beans. [00:55:48] Speaker A: Fuck. [00:55:48] Speaker B: I left my bean card up. Okay. Nine of air. All right, let's read this. Oh, yeah. I need to send you all the pictures, don't I? [00:56:01] Speaker A: Please. [00:56:02] Speaker B: Okay. [00:56:06] Speaker A: I like the flash one, too. You can see the color scheme with the flash, but you can see the card better without it. [00:56:14] Speaker B: Okay, I'll send one of each. [00:56:16] Speaker A: You don't have to. [00:56:23] Speaker B: There's only three cards, so it's fine. But I'll send the book in flash because it's not reflective. [00:56:40] Speaker A: Okay. [00:56:41] Speaker B: And that's it. [00:56:42] Speaker A: Cool. Okay. Do you want to read to me? [00:56:48] Speaker B: Yeah, I'll read it. I'll read it. So, nine of air. So this is for your verdict for last month. Have you ever heard of a self fulfilling prophecy? It's a situation where people focus so much on their fears that they eventually manifest into reality. [00:57:06] Speaker A: Wow. [00:57:07] Speaker B: The nine of air is a card is sensed by our angels. When we're in the process of manifesting an unhappy outcome, that's simply not necessary. We should think of this card as a kind and loving note from heaven. To change the way we're thinking, we need to find a way to concentrate on the results we're hoping for, rather than worrying that a bad outcome is on its way. This card can also indicate sleeplessness or insomnia, unhappy dreams or illness caused by stress. Symbolism. The first thing we notice about this card is that all the unicorns are asleep except one. Eight unicorns are sleeping soundly, eight being the number of abundance and positive energy, while the one remaining unicorn appears to be on watch. Being on watch is a practice that allows others to rest, while one member of the group keeps a wary eye out for situations that could cause harm. So the awake unicorn's concern is that something unpleasant might happen. Fireflies are a very magical symbol that has many important meanings, most of them relevant to this card. They represent illumination or seeing the light. If we're living an enlightened life, then we know not to focus on the negative, but to keep our thoughts positive. Fireflies shine their light out from within, just as we're asked to do as children of the divine. Another symbolic meaning of fireflies is that something magical is afoot. If we just have faith, then anything is possible. A waterfall can also have multiple meanings, one of which has to do with water as a symbol of emotion. A waterfall is a very powerful downward movement of water. This symbol may be indicating someone whose emotions are focused downward instead of in a more positive upward energy. The waterfall can also be seen as a great release of water emotion, asking us to release our negativity in this situation. Angel number the nine of air is card for the nine. The nine energy is one of service and duty and indicates the importance of accomplishing our spiritual mission on earth. The five shows that changes may be necessary to get us on track toward our divine life purpose. The number of 59 reduces to five. Five plus 914. One plus four equals five. The message that change is required is reinforced by the additional five energy. Astrology. Mars and Gemini can be a challenging aspect. Mars is a very aggressive planet that always wants to be in motion. Gemini is brilliant, but is also constantly thinking and communicating. This can create an energy that is actively imagining outcomes, many that are negative, and then talking about these possibilities until they manifest. [00:59:55] Speaker A: Amelia, Mars is literally in Gemini right now. [01:00:01] Speaker B: Oh, my God. Really? Yeah. I was like, oh, yeah. You know astrology? [01:00:08] Speaker A: You know what that means? [01:00:09] Speaker B: Because I usually read that. I'm like, I have no idea what that means. [01:00:14] Speaker A: That's funny. [01:00:14] Speaker B: I was like, yeah, you're literally floored. Wild. [01:00:19] Speaker A: That's crazy. So I'm talking too much. Gosh. I'm still talking too much. Gosh dang it. [01:00:25] Speaker B: Talking. [01:00:27] Speaker A: I need to quit worrying about whatever I'm worried about. [01:00:30] Speaker B: Sounds good. [01:00:33] Speaker A: All right. [01:00:36] Speaker B: Let me send a picture of the compact message on this. It's like the same author. It's just a little compact in the little book that I take around. So I'll send that because I forgot that existed. [01:00:48] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. That's crazy. There's a lot. This is so symbolic. Yeah. Tarot is very like. You have to figure it out. [01:01:07] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:01:07] Speaker A: You really have to think about it. There's a lot of symbolism in it. It's cool. [01:01:11] Speaker B: It's really great. I love tarot so much. I'm going to read this little thing. [01:01:16] Speaker A: Okay. [01:01:16] Speaker B: Positive thinking is essential right now. Your own obsessive negative thoughts are the true culprits behind the trouble you fear. Release your guilt and realize that regret is a wasted emotion. Turn your attention to the amazing possibilities for the future and leave the past behind. If you're having unpleasant dreams at this time, write them in a journal, bless them for their desire to inform you, and then send them to the angels. If depression is an issue, encourage those affected to seek professional counseling. Additional meanings of this card, sleeplessness, racing thoughts, expecting the worst self fulfilling prophecies, worry stress related illness. [01:01:58] Speaker A: Okay, so when you first read that, I took it as like, this book is essentially like, it's for somebody reading the tarot card, right. So when it said, if depression is an issue, encourage those affected to seek professional counseling. I took that as if I'm depressed. If anybody else is affected by that, they need help. What? Just when you read that at first, and I was like, wait, what? I was like, okay, this is for teaching. This is like, if you're reading somebody's card, they're depressed. Maybe they could see a therapist. [01:02:46] Speaker B: That's so funny you're thinking of anyone around me is depressed. I should just tell them that. [01:02:54] Speaker A: If you have a problem with it, you need help anyways. Funny. You know what's actually crazy about that, Amelia? I haven't. I've been staying up really late, so. It's funny that they said that a lot like insomnia. [01:03:15] Speaker B: So you can't sleep? [01:03:18] Speaker A: I can. Lately I've been avoiding sleep like the past few days, I kind of make myself stay up just because I do that if I'm working a lot, because then I feel like my day kind of went away. So I try and make up for it when I get home. I spend a lot of time watching shows and stuff, and I should probably just sleep, but it's nothing too crazy. That's cool. Okay. I feel good about that. That's a good conclusion to my last reading. It's kind of like, yeah, you didn't. Because I was kind of like, I did that. I finished it. It's like, well, maybe think about it. Just move on. [01:04:11] Speaker B: Yeah. So you like it? [01:04:14] Speaker A: I did. I very much like that. It was really accurate. [01:04:18] Speaker B: All right, so I need to ask you, do you want this card to go back in the deck? [01:04:27] Speaker A: No, leave it out. [01:04:28] Speaker B: Okay. Sounds good. All right. [01:04:31] Speaker A: Yeah, leave it out. Leave it out. That was my first response. So we'll go with that. [01:04:35] Speaker B: Sounds good. Yeah, just go with the intuition. The next question is, what do you need to do now? [01:04:44] Speaker A: Yes. Okay. Yes. What should be my new focus? [01:04:51] Speaker B: These cards are so huge. [01:04:54] Speaker A: They look tiny. [01:04:56] Speaker B: Really? [01:04:57] Speaker A: Yeah, they do. [01:04:58] Speaker B: I should send it in comparison to my hand. How do I get a card out of here? I haven't used these cards in a while. It's been, like, a few months. [01:05:15] Speaker A: You got to warm them up. [01:05:17] Speaker B: One just popped out. I'll put that in the middle. I just dropped a few. I'll just use those. You want me to use them? [01:05:30] Speaker A: No, shuffle them a little more. [01:05:32] Speaker B: Shuffle them a little more. Okay. Yeah. The first one's already out. I already saw it. [01:05:41] Speaker A: Okay. [01:05:41] Speaker B: All right. [01:05:44] Speaker A: What was the first one? [01:05:45] Speaker B: Oh eight of fire. You want me to send a picture, or you want to wait? [01:05:49] Speaker A: I'll wait. [01:05:51] Speaker B: Let me say what the little small note is. Events moving at a fast pace, delays are over. Many things happening at once. [01:06:03] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. Crazy. [01:06:07] Speaker B: I love how responsive you are. Yeah, it's great. I don't even need to do anything. I'm just here for the ride. [01:06:29] Speaker A: Oh, car just popped out. [01:06:31] Speaker B: That was a really happy card. Should it be right or left? [01:06:36] Speaker A: Right. [01:06:37] Speaker B: Yeah, I thought the same thing. [01:06:39] Speaker A: Oh, that's good. [01:06:41] Speaker B: Okay. What? Wait, what did you say? [01:06:46] Speaker A: I said we're so intuitive. [01:06:47] Speaker B: Yeah. So it's a major Arcana card. I think this is the first major Arcana card. You got another card just popped out. You want it? [01:06:59] Speaker A: Yes. [01:06:59] Speaker B: Okay. And we got ace of air. Okay, so the last card on the right is strength. That's a major Arcana. Have I told you about Major Arcana. [01:07:12] Speaker A: Is it the people? [01:07:15] Speaker B: No, those are the court cards. So that's still the minor Arcana. [01:07:18] Speaker A: Okay, so I don't know about the major Arcana. What's the major Arcana? [01:07:21] Speaker B: The major Arcana is basically a point in a journey or a story. [01:07:28] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. [01:07:29] Speaker B: So that's the right. So that's like your future or if you look at the past, present, future type of aspect. [01:07:35] Speaker A: Oh, that's so exciting. [01:07:37] Speaker B: Okay, let me send a picture of your card so you could see the symbolism. And then where should I start? I'll start with eight of fire, then strength and ace of air or what? [01:07:47] Speaker A: Yeah. Kind of look at it and think like. Yeah, just go chronologically. [01:07:54] Speaker B: Yeah. I'm going in the order that they came, which is not chronological. Is that okay? [01:07:59] Speaker A: Yeah, that's cool. [01:08:01] Speaker B: Okay. And then let me get the shadow out of the way. Can you read this? Oh, shit. I put flash again. [01:08:14] Speaker A: They're so magical. [01:08:16] Speaker B: Yeah. Isn't this a nice deck? It's a really nice deck. I like all my decks, but this one I like to put with. I usually do my readings with this deck because the author is so in tune with nowadays because the other one is traditional and the other one is the thoft deck, which is Alistair Crowley. And with Alistair Crowley, I feel like I need to learn more about it because he kind of goes in a different direction. But Radley's very modern and he has a positive outlook on life, so I really like him. I really like his cards. [01:08:58] Speaker A: That's nice. Yeah, that's good. [01:09:00] Speaker B: All right. Ready to start with eight of fire? [01:09:03] Speaker A: Yes. [01:09:04] Speaker B: So this is your middle card. It's the first card that came out. Eight. Eight. I think the original rhyder rate picture for this was eight wands. Just, like, flying in the air. [01:09:21] Speaker A: Yeah. Looks like something like that's going on in that one. [01:09:26] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:09:28] Speaker A: My God, he sent pictures of the book too. [01:09:32] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm getting that set up right now. [01:09:35] Speaker A: Sweet. [01:09:36] Speaker B: My. But. Oh, my God, my foot's cramping. Oh, my God. I should not use my foot to hold the book open because my hands taking a picture. My other hands holding the other page. Okay. [01:10:09] Speaker A: Did you shuffle them with your feet too? [01:10:15] Speaker B: No, I wasn't taking a picture when I was shuffling. [01:10:22] Speaker A: You're like, oh, crap. I dropped all of. Oh, my God. [01:10:31] Speaker B: I'm having such a fun time. [01:10:33] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:10:36] Speaker B: Are you ready? [01:10:38] Speaker A: Yes, I'm ready. [01:10:40] Speaker B: This card can be summed up in three words. Busy, busy, busy. When the 8th of fire card is drawn, it often reflects someone who's filled to the brim with things to do. It can also indicate a person for whom things have been very quiet. [01:10:56] Speaker A: Did you hear that noise I made? [01:10:58] Speaker B: You were like. [01:11:01] Speaker A: You said, busy, busy, busy. And I was like, I don't know. I'm being goofy. Okay. Keep going. [01:11:09] Speaker B: Okay. I was just. If you didn't say, like, wait. Did you hear what I said? I would have just let you keep on talking without knowing what you're saying at all. [01:11:25] Speaker A: I'm just cracking up. [01:11:27] Speaker B: I'm having a great time. Keep on doing what you're doing. [01:11:30] Speaker A: Okay. [01:11:31] Speaker B: When the eight of fire card is drawn, it often reflects someone who's filled to the brim with things to do. It can also indicate a person for whom things have been very quiet but who's about to see an end to the slow times. [01:11:44] Speaker A: It's about time. Oh, my gosh. [01:11:47] Speaker B: Nice. This is a card of rapid shifts and activity. Because of the astrology of this card, it's most often a very welcome change. We may feel a bit harried about all that we have to do, but we're happy to have so much activity in our lives. We may feel stressed, but it's stress that comes from positive things. [01:12:10] Speaker A: Oh, that's so good. [01:12:11] Speaker B: Yeah. Symbolism. Eight wands fly off into the sky, giving the impression of fireworks. Fireworks are a sign of great celebration, if we're lucky, they're beautifully orchestrated. However, sometimes fireworks are unpredictable and a little chaotic. The wands don't appear to be all headed in the same direction. Clearly, there are multiple and perhaps even competing goals to be accomplished, it may be necessary to prioritize our efforts. While this is a fire card, in the background, we see a body of water. It would be easy to let our emotions carry us away, but our purposes are served by keeping our feelings grounded and on an even keel. Angel number. The eight of fire card is card 30. This number assures us that we're loved and supported by source and the ascendant masters. As we take charge of this exciting time in our lives, we can think of the fireworks imagery in this card as a celebration in heaven, cheering us on as we follow our life path, this card reduces to three. Three plus zero, further emphasizing the message of celebration. Astrology. Mercury and Sagittarius is an extremely optimistic energy, since mercury rules the mind. This astrological association indicates that our minds are so full of wonderful ideas that we don't even know where to start. Our perception of the future is very bright, even in our to do list, even if our to do list is brimming over. We may feel restless and eager to get going. We'd probably love to roll up our sleeves and do everything ourselves as we're very independent. But the truth is that we'll probably need a little help from friends, peers or people who work for. [01:13:59] Speaker A: Oh, that's so nice. That's cool. And you know what else? Mercury is also in Sagittarius right now. [01:14:06] Speaker B: You're fucking kidding me. [01:14:08] Speaker A: I'm not. That is actually kind of insane and scary. [01:14:11] Speaker B: That's really nice. I like that. [01:14:14] Speaker A: Yeah. I'm thoroughly impressed right now also. I have so much celebration going on right now. Yeah, that's kind of what I was getting to earlier when I was talking about Sagittarius season, but I've never really got to it. It's Christmas right now. You know what I mean? It's the end of the year. The end of the year is for me, it's time to celebrate everything I did all year, everything I worked for, everything I went through. It's time to just surround myself with good people, the fruits of my labor, and just really appreciate my life and how far it's come and give and just feel good. It's just feel good time in the year. It's a great time of year. [01:15:10] Speaker B: That's really nice. I like that a lot. [01:15:12] Speaker A: Yeah. So it's cool. I resonate with that. That was great. [01:15:17] Speaker B: That's awesome. I'm glad you felt so strongly. I'll send you the little. Wait, where are we? Oh, shit. I was going to send you the wrong thing. Wait, are we in aid of fire? Right. [01:15:31] Speaker A: Yeah, do the little. [01:15:33] Speaker B: The little boy. Right. [01:15:34] Speaker A: Of aid of fire. [01:15:35] Speaker B: Yeah, I was going to send that, but I was going to send strength instead. Accidentally boil it. Yeah, I didn't do it. I didn't do it. Okay. [01:15:51] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. Strength looks insane, too. Is that called riding a tiger? [01:15:55] Speaker B: Yeah, that is insane. [01:15:57] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:15:58] Speaker B: Strength is a cool card. [01:16:00] Speaker A: Okay, so what's this talking about? [01:16:03] Speaker B: Hold on tight because things now move into high gear. So this is about eight of fire. Past delays are over, and your plans manifest with swiftness and energy. You may feel caught off guard as frenzied activities take over. It's exhilarating and a little overwhelming, but it feels good to see your dreams coming true. Suddenly you have a lot of things going on. Too many balls in the air. Stay grounded. Your messages are received positively now. Right now. Embrace the spotlight. Additional meanings of this card. Receiving needed information, inspiration, sudden travel and unexpected level of success. That's great. [01:16:40] Speaker A: That's very prosperous. [01:16:43] Speaker B: That's really nice. [01:16:46] Speaker A: Sweet. What a comeback from last month. What a comeback. [01:16:52] Speaker B: Yeah. Because you had to, like a lot of things to sort through. [01:16:55] Speaker A: It was heavy. [01:16:56] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:16:57] Speaker A: I really worked through it, though. [01:16:59] Speaker B: That's great. [01:17:02] Speaker A: All right, let's get on to Tiger Girl. [01:17:05] Speaker B: Okay, tiger girl, let's go. [01:17:07] Speaker A: Strength. [01:17:07] Speaker B: Strength. [01:17:08] Speaker A: Archangel Ariel. [01:17:11] Speaker B: Do you know archangels? [01:17:14] Speaker A: I don't. What are archangels? Tell me. [01:17:19] Speaker B: I actually don't know too much about it. I'm still kind of learning. [01:17:27] Speaker A: I've heard of Archangel Michael. [01:17:30] Speaker B: Yeah, I think they're kind of, like guardian angel esque type of ideas. [01:17:35] Speaker A: That's cool. [01:17:37] Speaker B: But honestly, I am not the best person to ask about that. [01:17:47] Speaker A: This one's highlighted. [01:17:48] Speaker B: Yeah. It's because the highlighted ones are the ones I've already read. [01:17:56] Speaker A: I like when you highlight it. [01:17:57] Speaker B: Thank you. Sometimes I feel like highlighting is not in these books, but in storybooks. I feel like highlighting is kind of destruction, but with these books, they're kind of necessary for me to get an understanding of how I understood it before and what I really like from it. But I think that's everything. Okay, so, strength. Ready? [01:18:22] Speaker A: Yes, I'm ready. Do it. [01:18:24] Speaker B: The strength card is about exercising the desires of our will in a way where no one is harmed. This card is named for the type of firm resolved, where we go within and find that our basic instincts have been tamed. And with that taming, we become stronger. Often, for true kindness to come forth, we must find it within ourselves to forgive. We're asked to let go of any judgment of ourselves or others and view those around us with forgiveness and tolerance. As mentioned in chapter two, strength was card eleven in tarot for centuries, until the riderweight deck flipped its position with the justice card in 1909. In order to keep the intended flow of the dreamer's journey intact, I choose to return it to its original position in the angel tarot cards. The dreamer's journey. So he's, like, going. Like I said, it's a more modern version. It's not traditional. So sometimes the people who make the new decks have switched positions based on what was going on before. I appreciate that. Yeah. This is his little. Based on his experience. It makes more sense this way. [01:19:37] Speaker A: Yeah, well, that's how you know stuff like that is accurate, because trial and error. [01:19:43] Speaker B: Yeah. All right. The dreamer's journey. In our journey as a dreamer, we learn all about the power of control and sheer will with the chariot. However, the time we spent with the hermit has put us in touch with more spiritual side. Our more spiritual side. We've discovered that there is another way to power our dream besides pure determination. We can do it with kindness. The exercising of compassion is a critical aspect on our journey of enlightenment. With the strength card, we discover a very beautiful woman working in concert with the tiger, one of nature's most powerful animals. Her kindness toward the tiger has brought her cooperation that she could never have attained with brute force. Doves of peace fly ahead of this duo as they move further, farther along in their adventure. The lady and the tiger will need patience, since they're only halfway through their journey. [01:20:45] Speaker A: Interesting. [01:20:48] Speaker B: Okay, so now we're going to symbolism. [01:20:52] Speaker A: Okay. [01:20:53] Speaker B: You notice this is longer, right? Because it's a major arcana, they always make those longer. [01:20:58] Speaker A: Yeah, it is longer. [01:21:00] Speaker B: Yeah. So the major arcanas are always, like, kind of like. The other cards are good, but with the major arcana, it always feels like, very special. I don't know why. [01:21:11] Speaker A: Sweet. Right on. [01:21:13] Speaker B: Archangel Ariel rides a tiger, a symbol of great strength and courage. However, the tiger is her ally, not her servant. [01:21:23] Speaker A: Oh, that's important. [01:21:26] Speaker B: Tigers are known for their great power, yet this one is content to work with Archangel Ariel due to her love of nature, beauty, and angelic wisdom. Move and concerts with the power and soulfulness of the animal kingdom. Behind Ariel, the city glows. Behind Ariel, a city glows. Although they're clearly moving out into the forest. In this card, the comforts of civilization live in harmony with the wilds of nature. Archangel Ariel carries a shield that has a dove with the symbol of infinity in its beak, while other doves fly about. Okay. Doves represent peace, and the infinity sign tells us that there is no end to the peace we can create. The doves paired with the tiger also tells us that true strength is wielded in peace. The flowers are stars of Bethlehem and are said to bring hope. They're also sometimes given to someone as a way to say, I'm sorry. Angel number strength is card eleven and is considered a master number. Due to this number's deep connection with inner wisdom, it's able to manifest amazing things, thus bringing with it an obligation to remain in a positive and uplifting energy. This number is also connected with great spiritual insights and often implies a sense of responsibility that encourages acting in ways that display a purity of conscience. Archangel. Archangel Ariel's name means lioness of God. She's also the Archangel most closely associated with nature and animals. She works in tandem with Archangel Raphael and the healing of animals and is a favorite of environmentalists. She's known for her ability to create. Wait, sorry. She's known for her ability to manifest the material needed of those who call upon her. Her color is pale pink. [01:23:23] Speaker A: She's very feminine. [01:23:26] Speaker B: Yeah. Nature is very feminine. I've noticed that in any spiritual thing. [01:23:36] Speaker A: She's very kind and respectful and I don't know, it's cool. I like it. [01:23:42] Speaker B: I like that you point that out. I like that. [01:23:47] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:23:48] Speaker B: Astrologically, this card is Leo, a sign that is loving, ambitious, powerful and loyal. And of course, Leo has a flair for the dramatic, like taking a ride on a tiger. Leo is also very idealistic and broad minded, which allows the sign to see others without feeling the need to judge their path. Leo is very humane in its viewpoints of the world, which is in line with Archangel Ariel and the way she sees planet Earth and all its inhabitants. [01:24:19] Speaker A: Sweet. Yeah, that's cool. So I think a lot of that has to do with, the main thing I got from that was in the beginning, it said something like, what did it say? She didn't tame the tiger with being strong. She tamed it by being kind to it and creating a friendship with it. [01:24:52] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:24:54] Speaker A: She didn't overpower it and make it do what she wanted. She works with it. It's not her servant. And that's interesting. I think in a way it might have something to do with using people to get what you want out of them. And you shouldn't do that because there's not true strength in that. You get more strength out of relationships with people if you work with them, you're not just trying to get something out of them. I feel like that's mainly what it's about. [01:25:39] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:25:41] Speaker A: She's a good person and it's cool that that's kind of what it's talking about. I don't know. [01:25:54] Speaker B: I like that you pointed out the tiger part, because I'm also learning how these cards are working or what they mean. And while I was reading this, I was thinking a lot about the Alastair Crowley thaft decks interpretation of it. Because, you know what's interesting is Aleister Crowley and Radley Valentine did the exact same thing where they switched the cards based on how they felt about it in the exact same way. But Alistair Crowley went a step further and he changed the name of strength to. [01:26:32] Speaker A: Oh, that's interesting. [01:26:35] Speaker B: Yeah. And I could read the whole thing, but when I read the Alistair Crowley thing, it doesn't really make too much sense to, it's, what is the point. [01:26:46] Speaker A: Of lust in that? You don't have to read it. [01:26:49] Speaker B: But, yeah, I'm going to say what I understand about. So, like, the strength of lust is, like, there's this thing that Aubrey Marcus said, because he used to be, like, polyamorous, but he stopped being that because his idea was, like, I desire desire, okay. And that's like, that lust energy of the strength of having lust is restraining. [01:27:16] Speaker A: It is overpowering it. A lot like the tiger. [01:27:23] Speaker B: Yeah. I was going to say that's where the tiger comes in. The tiger is this strong symbol. And I don't know, just something about restraining the. It also said in the Radley Valentine where it's, like, restraining your inner. [01:27:41] Speaker A: It doesn't. It doesn't work. You should just kind of work with it and kind of build a cooperation with what it is and whatever that may be. So that's interesting about what the tiger is, because the tiger is lust. But when I heard that, I was taking that as the tiger is another person. [01:28:09] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:28:09] Speaker A: Because I can be a bit of a control freak. Little control tendencies. So I feel like that's an interesting card to take. And I feel like it's kind. Because I've become more aware of that and I've been able to work on that. And I feel like that's kind of like a bit of confirmation. Like, I'm able to work with people. And it also kind of maybe gives me a little heads up, like, hey, you may have a tendency to want to control something, to restrict it, to kind of force it down and make it do what you try and get something out of it, whatever that is. But really, if I instead go toward a cooperative route and try to work with whatever or whoever comes around or is in my life, it'll be a lot more harmonious. And it also talks about peace with the doves. Doves are a big symbol of peace. Peace is really big in my mind right now. [01:29:16] Speaker B: Nice. [01:29:18] Speaker A: Yeah. And it mentioned how peace is infinite. And I was like, whoa, that was pretty crazy, because I had never thought about that. But I don't know, not just peace, but love is so infinite. Kind of what we were talking about. [01:29:37] Speaker B: Yeah. I was going to say that when. [01:29:39] Speaker A: We were talking about how we feel about our identities and how you can share things with people and you can just love people and it can just be, like, a good thing. Scarcity. Like you were saying, love isn't scarce. Peace isn't scarce. There's plenty of it to go around. And the more you give, the more there is to get out of it. And it's cool. It's just really cool. It's awesome. [01:30:09] Speaker B: Yeah. You're like, on top of it. Yeah. You're saying everything that I'm thinking. We're very much in the same mindset. [01:30:22] Speaker A: We're good. All right. What's the mini? [01:30:30] Speaker B: Yeah, I'll do the little mini, but I'm going to say, like, my favorite sentence of this. [01:30:34] Speaker A: Okay. [01:30:37] Speaker B: We go within and find that our basic instincts have been tamed, and with that taming, we become stronger. That's my favorite thing. But I'll send the little mini. [01:30:48] Speaker A: Yeah, I like that. [01:30:50] Speaker B: Yeah, I like the mini one because it sums it up so well. [01:30:54] Speaker A: And after reading it and kind of, like, picking apart, it's good to just kind of get a little summary at the end. [01:31:04] Speaker B: Yeah, it's great. This is a great system. Yeah. You're so. [01:31:15] Speaker A: Intuitive. This is fun. We're on the same vibration right now. Amelia, this is great. [01:31:21] Speaker B: I'm having so much fun. [01:31:23] Speaker A: Me, too. I'm excited to read yours, too. Oh, yeah, I forgot. [01:31:26] Speaker B: We're doing me. Let me take another chocolate so it times out well for when I get going. All right, let me read this little guy. [01:31:37] Speaker A: Okay. [01:31:39] Speaker B: This card comes to you because you need to know that you're stronger than you realize. You can definitely handle your current situation. However, instead of powering through it, you're better off with an approach of compassion, kindness, and gentleness. The strength that the situation calls for comes from the softness of a spiritual core. Your strength and effectiveness increase as you believe in yourself and your ability to grow from the experiences you have in life. Look upon challenges as opportunities to learn and apply your knowledge and magical touch. Additional meanings of this card, patience, forgiveness, the courage of your convictions. Using honey instead of vinegar. [01:32:24] Speaker A: That's cool. [01:32:25] Speaker B: Archangel Ariel is the angel of the spirits of nature. Because Ariel is so close to the earth, she helps with day to day material needs of home, food, clothing, and so forth. Call upon Ariel for strength and support if you're worried about finances or desperate times. [01:32:40] Speaker A: Oh, money. Ever since I started working at the bank, I love money. It's so interesting and fun. [01:32:49] Speaker B: Money is energy. [01:32:52] Speaker A: That's a hot take. Elaborate on that. I've never heard that. [01:32:59] Speaker B: So what? [01:33:04] Speaker A: It's abundance. [01:33:06] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:33:06] Speaker A: Cause. [01:33:09] Speaker B: When you want to help someone, you give them money. Let's say there's a creator on YouTube or whatever. And if you want to give them more resources and more opportunities, what you would do is power them through money, because with money, you could basically get anything. It's how our whole system works. [01:33:35] Speaker A: Right. And it's a form of gratitude. People want it. And also, I feel like giving somebody money shows. You take them seriously, too. [01:33:49] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:33:50] Speaker A: You take their work seriously. It's a form of respect. [01:33:53] Speaker B: Yeah. I was going to say that I. [01:33:55] Speaker A: Was having somebody do my nails for a while, and I always paid her the same amount I would pay when I went to a salon. And the reason I did that and I told her was because I felt like she did a great job. She showed me a lot of respect, and I wanted to show her respect by paying her what I felt like she deserved. And she would always be like, people never pay me this much. Da da da. And I'm like, well, you should make them. I respect you. This is me showing you I respect you and I respect your work. And that's purely what it is to me. It's a respect thing. And also, what you're saying in the last podcast when you were like, this is a service. No, if something happens, I'm going to pay you. It kind of was like, oh, me. I appreciated that. I felt very respected at that point. [01:34:56] Speaker B: That's really nice. [01:34:58] Speaker A: Yeah. So thanks for that. But also, yeah, there's a big respect that comes with paying for something. Have you ever watched the office? [01:35:08] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:35:10] Speaker A: You remember the part when Pam, she had an art gallery and nobody went, but then Michael showed up and bought the painting she made. [01:35:19] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:35:20] Speaker A: Office. That was huge. That was a very pivotal. That was great. That was just a great scene. [01:35:30] Speaker B: Such a great scene. I know exactly what episode you're talking about. I know what the painting looks like. And he puts it on the wall. [01:35:37] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:35:38] Speaker B: He's like, that was made on paper. [01:35:40] Speaker A: Yeah. And however much he spent, $20. That doesn't matter. The number doesn't matter. What matters is that he showed her that she made art. It was sweet. Michael's a great guy. I could write a thesis about Michael Scott. [01:36:05] Speaker B: You should. [01:36:06] Speaker A: I should, yeah. [01:36:08] Speaker B: 100%. [01:36:12] Speaker A: You know what? I'm going to write a list, and I want to do it on the podcast. [01:36:17] Speaker B: Do you want to do it on the podcast? [01:36:18] Speaker A: Yes. When do you want to do it? When do you want to do it? I'll write the list and I'll get back to you. [01:36:26] Speaker B: And, like, full disclosure, if I had like, a fucking million dollars, I would be paying you to do these podcasts with me. [01:36:33] Speaker A: I know. I don't expect it unless there's a profit you're getting. I don't expect you to pay me just for whatever. I do appreciate it, but I think that unless you're making a profit, don't worry about it. You know what I mean? [01:36:54] Speaker B: Yeah. At this point we're just doing it for. [01:36:56] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:36:56] Speaker B: Yeah. Just because I appreciate you as a person. [01:37:00] Speaker A: Well, the best part in the best YouTube videos are the ones where people are just having fun with it and just enjoying it. That's when you really get to see a person's true colors and stuff. And I feel like if it gets too commercialized, you lose that touch of it and that magic of it. [01:37:24] Speaker B: Yeah. That's why I want to still have my regular job, even if it does get monetized, because I don't want to feel pressured in any way to do anything because that's just the worst. It's the worst to feel pressured by money. And that's where you get into survival aspects and you're not letting the art be the art. [01:37:41] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, it's also like my parents always made the analogy about you. You love Disneyland. Disneyland's great, but you don't want to work at Disneyland. It would lose its know. [01:37:53] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:37:55] Speaker A: Also, speaking of my parents, you know how that little summary said you attract. Wait, no, sorry. It said, using honey instead of vinegar. Yeah, that part. And I gasped. [01:38:12] Speaker B: Yeah, elaborate on that. Because I didn't really. [01:38:16] Speaker A: Growing up, my mom always used to tell me she would say, you attract more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. That's like a thing she's always said. And it was just kind of like, crazy. I was like, whoa, my mom says that? [01:38:33] Speaker B: That's so crazy because I've never heard that before. So I was like, I wonder what you're getting out of this. [01:38:37] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:38:37] Speaker B: You're like, okay, that's just literally how I feel. [01:38:42] Speaker A: Yeah. But that has a lot to do with Ariel's sweetness, her femininity, that whole compassion, kindness leading with that. And it's interesting, too, because she's so powerful, but she gets it from being soft and being gentle, which is. You wouldn't expect power to come from that. But there's a lot of power in that. [01:39:16] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:39:16] Speaker A: You know what literally called strength? Yeah. [01:39:19] Speaker B: You know why I loved when you said that? Because when you said that, I was like, oh, my God, I can't believe she said that. Because. Not to talk about me, but I'm going to talk about me. But I've been very trying to figure out what it means to be a feminine person and what it means to be like a woman because I feel like I've been very against that whole thing just because of family trauma and how my family treats women. So I am trying to get a legitimate viewpoint on what does it mean to be a woman. And what does it mean to be feminine and what's the value of femininity? [01:39:56] Speaker A: Yeah, for sure. [01:39:58] Speaker B: Yeah. Because what caused me to. Not really cause me, but what I'm analyzing right now is how movies these days, like she Hulk and any new movie like Star wars, the new Matrix, I'm watching the Matrix right now. They're like putting the female into the main male character role, which is very much undermining, especially if it's about an old movie, because for the Matrix, for example, they make Trinity. Not to spoil it, but I'm going to spoil it. Sorry. Okay, so for the Matrix resurrections, the new movie, they basically give her the powers that Neo had, which is by doing that, it's saying that her old character was completely not interesting enough to be like what she was. And it's completely undermining what she did in the first movies. And what she did in the first movies is what I'm talking about in my nude podcast that I'm putting out is that she is the support. She is what gets rid of Neo's doubt. She is home. She is like peace and security because they're in love with each other throughout the entire series. And he looks to her for guidance and he looks to her for just like comfort. And what makes Neo this great person is her. She is the wind under his wings. She is his fuel. And to be in a relationship with the great person, you also have to be a great person. So she's already great as a character. And by making her into another, Neo is taking away who she was. [01:41:43] Speaker A: Yeah. And it's kind of like saying, like she wasn't doing enough before. [01:41:48] Speaker B: Exactly. [01:41:49] Speaker A: She was. [01:41:50] Speaker B: It's not valuing femininity at all. [01:41:54] Speaker A: Yeah, I agree. I think that really, a lot of media does that. And I think that it's easy to confuse feminine power with masculine power, especially in the media. A lot of the time, in order to make women see powerful, they put them in a masculine role. Yeah, like, you see the badass chicks fighting and all this crazy stuff, and it's kind of like you watch it and it's cool. It's cool. It's whatever. It's an action movie, but that's not a showcase of feminine power. Yeah, it's just making a woman seem cool because she's able to do what men usually do, which is kind of a bit counterproductive in a lot of ways. But it's also cool that at the same time, it can be really cool a woman doing things that men typically do because people don't expect her to be able to do that. Like Nicki Minaj. Like, a big part of her career was she was always ridiculed because she's a female rapper and she didn't get respected for a long time. And she paved the way for a lot of other female rappers to be able to be taken seriously in the industry because she was the first one to be taken seriously. [01:43:34] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:43:37] Speaker A: There'S a lot of power that comes with that, but that's also. Everybody has that duality of femininity and masculinity. That's cool. Also, I could relate that to astrology as well. Every sign, it's either feminine or it's masculine. And all the fire and air signs, they're considered masculine signs, astrologically. And then the earth and water signs, it's a feminine placement. [01:44:12] Speaker B: That makes sense. [01:44:14] Speaker A: Yeah. I don't know. You can kind of look at that, too, and you could kind of put that in a little piece in your puzzle. That's a big thing about. Sorry, you're good. I, like, messed up my son. That's a big way I use astrology, is I pick up on the traits and I learn what each thing is, and I just kind of look for the pattern in my life and see how it adds up. [01:44:50] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:44:51] Speaker A: And a lot of it you can't really explain. You just kind of see it and feel it, and you have the knowledge in your head and you just kind of watch it unfold. But anyways, I digress. I forgot. What were we talking about? [01:45:09] Speaker B: I think we're giving you a reading. Yeah, I totally, like, I was looking at the cards. I was like, oh, yeah, we forgot that card. Yeah. [01:45:18] Speaker A: Let's do the last card. [01:45:19] Speaker B: Yeah. I'm having a great time, by the way. [01:45:25] Speaker A: Me, too. I am having a good time, too. I'm glad you're having a good time. [01:45:29] Speaker B: Yeah. I feel like I need to say that a lot because I feel like when I hang out with people, I get super embarrassed, and I feel like they don't like hanging out with me. [01:45:40] Speaker A: Good time. [01:45:41] Speaker B: Yeah. I always hope they're having a good time. [01:45:43] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm having a good time. [01:45:45] Speaker B: That's great. [01:45:47] Speaker A: Sometimes I do too, but I get over it. [01:45:53] Speaker B: Yeah. I just need to get over it. Ace of air. The nice thing about aces is it's like the core of the suite, or is that called a suit? Whatever it's called. Yeah, it's the core of the swords or the air. Thinking. [01:46:15] Speaker A: This club is kind of a big deal. It's the center? [01:46:19] Speaker B: Yeah. I don't know if center is the right word, but I think it is. [01:46:27] Speaker A: Wait, so this is my past? [01:46:29] Speaker B: Yeah, it's your past. [01:46:30] Speaker A: Okay. [01:46:31] Speaker B: If you want to view it in that way, which you can. [01:46:33] Speaker A: Okay. [01:46:35] Speaker B: It's interesting that it's air because that's what you struggle with. Right. That's what you struggle with. Letting go or struggled. [01:46:43] Speaker A: Yeah, actually, that's a great observation. That's right. [01:46:58] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [01:47:03] Speaker A: New ideas. Creation. Seeing the truth of a situation. A challenging beginning. Oh, a challenging beginning. [01:47:12] Speaker B: Yeah. Ready for this? [01:47:14] Speaker A: I'm ready. [01:47:16] Speaker B: The ace of air can be challenging, as many people misunderstand this card. Some believe that it's a sign of being asked to give up on important endeavors. When we run into obstacles while attempting to manifest our plans, we may think, oh, well, I guess I'm not supposed to move forward. And often that's true, but not with the ace of air. There may be bumps along the road with this card, but those minor setbacks should be looked upon as heaven helping us. [01:47:48] Speaker A: That's good. [01:47:49] Speaker B: Perhaps our angels are stalling us until the perfect timing presents itself. They may be using challenges to better prepare us for what's to come or sending us the message that we need to make some minor course corrections. But we are not to give up. The ace of air generally turns out well in time. This card can also be a clue that we're about to have an inspired new idea or revelation that gives us a better understanding of our situation. [01:48:20] Speaker A: Another unicorn. [01:48:23] Speaker B: Yeah. Because you got the nine of air last month, which makes sense that this is in the past part of your three card section. So last month was air, and also past was air. [01:48:35] Speaker A: Yeah. That's crazy. [01:48:37] Speaker B: You've seemed to get over that. Because the aid of fire and the strength that precedes it, is that the right word that goes after it or good cards. I think you got a really good reading this go around. So good job on whatever you did. I have no idea what you did. Also, I have no idea where I was at in the reading. Okay, so I'm starting symbolism. I can't believe I forgot. Okay, symbolism. Unicorns are creatures of pure energy and positive intentions. We must maintain hope even though we're going through trouble sometimes. You got nine of air last time, and ace of air. [01:49:16] Speaker A: Right. [01:49:18] Speaker B: With this deck, he symbolizes the swords. Instead of them being swords, he symbolizes them as unicorns. I forgot the reasoning. But that's just what's going on with the symbolism. So if you got more fire cards, you would have got more wands. In the pictures, but since you got two air cards, you're seeing a lot of. I just. I felt like I needed to say that, so. [01:49:42] Speaker A: Yeah, no, that's cool. [01:49:44] Speaker B: This particular. Yeah, unicorns are nice. I really like this Radley Valentine deck a lot. It's so uplifting. [01:49:53] Speaker A: He's very creative. He put a lot of his own experiences into it. It's cool. It's well done. I appreciate know. [01:50:03] Speaker B: Yeah. He has more decks, too, but I haven't felt the need to get them. I like this card a lot. [01:50:07] Speaker A: Yeah. I like writers like this. I think he's a really great writer, whoever this guy is. [01:50:13] Speaker B: Yeah, he's really great. The book's called the big book of Angel Tarot. [01:50:19] Speaker A: That's cool. [01:50:20] Speaker B: All right, let's continue. Unicorns are. I'm going to reread that first paragraph. Unicorns are creatures of pure energy and positive intentions. We must maintain hope even though we're going through troublesome times. This particular unicorn is winged to indicate that our inspired new ideas will take us to new heights. Ooh. The winged unicorn stands on a large trunk of a massive tree that looks very sturdy but is growing in a twisted and unexpected way. Our plans may not unfold as we expect, but that doesn't mean that we're not supported. There are sprouts of new growth all around the unicorn, meaning that our ideas will take root and grow for patient. Angel number. Now we come to card 51. The energy of change that accompanies the number is. Wait, what? The energy of change that accompanies the number five is now matched with the need to hold positive thoughts as we move through the suite of air and the challenges it can bring. Faith is what will get us happily to our goal. The number 51 reduces to six. Five plus one. This is the number of worry, especially when it comes to material things. What we need will be provided if we remember to simply believe. [01:51:34] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. Yes. Okay, keep going, keep going. [01:51:42] Speaker B: That's great. Aces aren't associated with a particular astrological aspect. Instead, they're connected to the element of their suite. Therefore, the ace represents the element of air. It also represents the three zodiac signs of the same element, Gemini, libra, and Aquarius. [01:51:59] Speaker A: All right. Yeah, that's kind of what I picked up from it, but, yeah, it kind of talked a little bit about pessimism and losing faith. Yeah, I feel like, I kind of felt that for a minute, there was a bit of, like. I felt like, not really that I had lost hope, but that there wasn't much to have hope in if that makes sense. And I've kind of worked past that and kind of what I mentioned before about going into the Sagittarius season, and this time right now, is a time of luck for me, a time of expansion. And I feel like if luck is in the air, there's also kind of this faith I have in just kind of letting the path unfold itself and letting everything be what is meant to be. [01:53:13] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:53:14] Speaker A: And I feel like that kind of captures that. That's a good past card. And I feel like it does add up being right there, because there was brief moments of me being like, what is there to have faith in? What is my faith? There was a lot of questions I had and also the law of attraction. I had a moment where I didn't believe in manifestation and stuff. I was kind of like, what? Well, I do believe in it, but I had a moment where I was like, am I really controlling my reality the way that I am telling myself I am? Because a lot of manifestation techniques I've researched are if you push it too hard and this is a user error. Right. If you're pushing too hard in a lot of ways, you're lying to yourself and you're not fully able to manifest your reality. If you don't truly believe in it and have faith in what you're telling yourself, then, yeah, you're lying to yourself. It's hard to believe yourself if it's a lie and if you know you're lying, but if you're just real with yourself and really. Yeah, sure. I could achieve whatever I want to achieve if I put in the work and all this stuff, but just saying I'm going to be a millionaire and saying if I say that, it's just going to come to me. I was doing that and not taking any steps towards whatever that was. And then I felt discouraged because then my manifestation didn't come through. [01:55:22] Speaker B: Yeah. Because it needs action as well. [01:55:25] Speaker A: Yeah, well, there's a lot to it. Right. And I was kind of overkilling the step of picking out what I wanted to manifest and all this stuff, really what I need to do is just be. Just be a person and just have faith in life and that I'll get whatever I'm meant to have and just kind of being content. It's a lot and it's a bit hard to explain. I kind of wish I could explain my emotions on it better, but there was a bit of doubt and kind of a bit of running through the doubt. [01:56:13] Speaker B: Yeah, I kind of had a moment no, it's cool. I don't think you have a small attention span because you're able to conduct a large piece of conversation at a time. I feel like I can't do that. But, yeah, what I got out of that was I was thinking about the Matrix a lot. I've been watching that movie. It's what I'm thinking of now. But after that thought came up, I was thinking about Joe Dispenza. Because you were talking about how if you just say, I am a millionaire, it kind of loses value the more you say it. [01:56:52] Speaker A: Yes, it's perfect. [01:56:54] Speaker B: And what Joe Dish. Have you heard of Joe Dispenza? [01:56:59] Speaker A: Is he in the matrix? [01:57:00] Speaker B: No, he's in this matrix. The real world. But basically. I didn't expect you to. He's very unknown, but he is sort of fucking like. He's really testing the boundaries of. He started with the placebo effect, and from there he went on to manifestation. Because the placebo effect is basically manifestation, what I said. [01:57:34] Speaker A: Right. [01:57:35] Speaker B: Okay. And he basically has conducted this sort of. So basically, he's getting a bunch of inspiration from many traditions, many religions, and many ways of going about things. So he's incorporated kind of that yogic kind of chakra system in this new way of meditating. Because what he's doing is trying to get people out of their mind and out of their kind of set instincts away from normal religion and tradition. Because when you hear people say chakra, you're like fucking yoga. I've heard that a thousand times. But he turns it into his own thing where no one has those blockages. But that's getting beside the point. Basically, his whole idea is that nobody changes until they change their energy. And if you just say, I'm healthy, I'm healthy, I'm healthy. I'm wealthy. I'm wealthy. I'm wealthy. It's kind of like not really changing your energy. You're just doing this task expecting it to change, but you don't really manifest it. [01:58:46] Speaker A: Counterproductive. If anything. It's counterproductive. [01:58:49] Speaker B: Yeah, and you don't really manifest it until you make that switch. Until it just goes into. Until you actually change. Because saying it doesn't do it. Doing it does. [01:59:03] Speaker A: Exactly. And that's something I'm learning how to do. Because, Amelia, I can be a dead horse. I can be a dead horse. [01:59:15] Speaker B: What? [01:59:19] Speaker A: I can get really caught up in the thought and figuring things out and making a plan of something. And you got to just do it. Sometimes if you stay on the blueprint forever, you're never going to build the house. [01:59:38] Speaker B: Yeah. And you were talking about that when we were talking these last few times. You're like, well, I got to do this, I got to do that. And you could see all those blockages that you're putting on yourself. So it's nice that you're saying this now. [01:59:51] Speaker A: Yeah, I feel like I'm really working through it. I catch myself sometimes. There are certain times in my day when I have a lot of free time to think. I drive a lot. I spend a lot of time with myself and with my own thoughts, and in that time, I'm working on making those thoughts productive and thinking about things that are good for me and also not thinking about myself, because it is far more productive for me to put my energy into other people and really just be kind and keep in touch with people and just be positive, you know, about all that. [02:00:49] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:00:50] Speaker A: You know, what it means to people to be a good person. But that has made my free time more fulfilling. [02:00:57] Speaker B: That's really nice. [02:00:59] Speaker A: Yeah, it's nice. And I feel like that's what that card was talking about. [02:01:04] Speaker B: Which card? The strength. [02:01:06] Speaker A: The unicorn. [02:01:07] Speaker B: Oh, the unicorn. [02:01:09] Speaker A: Yeah. So it's cool because I'm kind of okay. So I go from that into the whole celebration thing. There's a lot going on. I'm busy, but it's good. I'm appreciating it. I'm having a great time. And then there's the kindness. I don't know. I think I got lucky. I got some really good cards this time. [02:01:38] Speaker B: Well, no, I wouldn't see it as luck. I would see it as, this is who you are, and you brought these cards because you've worked on yourself enough to deserve these cards. [02:01:51] Speaker A: Yeah. I should give myself credit for it. Yeah. [02:01:55] Speaker B: Because these cards wouldn't have come if you weren't like this, if I was. [02:02:00] Speaker A: Still doing what I was doing. Remember when we had those two cards, there was the top outcome, and there was the bottom outcome with the last reading. [02:02:12] Speaker B: Yeah, I remember. [02:02:13] Speaker A: Yeah. There was the two outcomes. [02:02:15] Speaker B: Yeah. Ten of wands and ten of swords. [02:02:18] Speaker A: Yeah. And then it ended up being a good outcome, which is cool. [02:02:21] Speaker B: That's great. That's really great. [02:02:25] Speaker A: I think if you're feeling up to it. Are you cold reading your card? [02:02:31] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm cool with that. You mind if I take, like, a five minute break first? [02:02:34] Speaker A: Yeah, sure. You're good? [02:02:36] Speaker B: Yeah. Because I want to make some tea and also put on some lotion. [02:02:40] Speaker A: Okay. [02:02:42] Speaker B: All right. But maybe not even five minutes. Maybe just two minutes. [02:02:46] Speaker A: Okay. [02:02:47] Speaker B: Is that okay? [02:02:48] Speaker A: Yeah. So you want to call me back or. It's cool. I could just stay on it. [02:02:53] Speaker B: You could just stay on the line. [02:02:55] Speaker A: Okay. [02:02:55] Speaker B: Or we could just not take a break. Do you want to not take a break? [02:02:58] Speaker A: Go ahead and put some lotion on it. [02:03:05] Speaker B: I feel so bad. I feel so bad. [02:03:09] Speaker A: Literally, don't. [02:03:10] Speaker B: Okay. Thank you. [02:03:13] Speaker A: I got up and got water. It's okay. [02:03:17] Speaker B: Cool. Okay. So I'll come back in like two to five minutes. [02:03:21] Speaker A: Okay. All right. [02:03:23] Speaker B: I am back. [02:03:25] Speaker A: Nice. Welcome back. [02:03:27] Speaker B: Yes. [02:03:28] Speaker A: What kind of tea did you make? [02:03:30] Speaker B: Chamomile, but it has some of my elderberry tea from last time. It just got cold, so I just reused the water. [02:03:39] Speaker A: That's cool. All right. So you're going to read your card? [02:03:48] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:03:48] Speaker A: I'm excited. [02:03:49] Speaker B: Right. I'm going to use the same deck because I really like this deck a lot. [02:03:55] Speaker A: Yeah. I was hoping you would use that deck, too. [02:03:58] Speaker B: Well, thanks for wanting to just watch me read myself. [02:04:03] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm curious about what's going on. [02:04:07] Speaker B: I haven't read my cards in months, Laura. Like, months. [02:04:12] Speaker A: Have you been kind of avoiding it? [02:04:15] Speaker B: Yeah, 100%. Every time I don't do it's because I'm avoiding it, I feel like I should really. Also, it's nice to just take a break from things. [02:04:26] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:04:27] Speaker B: But I feel like reading very often is a cool thing to do because it gets you super in tune with it. It's a good way to learn it, and I don't know. Yeah. Maybe I'm just, like, avoiding it too much because I'm afraid of what it says. It's always me being afraid of what it would say because there's no real reason to not do it because it's fun. If anything, it just gives me something to do and, like a pastime. And I think that's just me with not allowing myself to do things too, like being very over controlled on my free time because I always want to be working on something and working on a project, and it's really hard for me to have a pastime anyway and just have fun with things. So I think that's why I also am not doing it. So I think I should just be a little bit kinder to myself and let myself do stuff that doesn't really result in anything. Yeah. Because it's just nice to do the cards and it's like, oh, this is nice. I feel like this. I feel like that, and I just need to get in that. I don't need to get in the habit, but it's nice to get in the habit sometimes of just reading your cards all the time, so thanks for doing that. Okay. One card popped out. [02:05:41] Speaker A: Okay. What was it? [02:05:43] Speaker B: Three of water. That's nice. This one's a nice one. So the small things. I'll send you a little picture. So I'll put this in the middle. I'll do the same direction you did, where it's middle, right, left. I was going to do the fourth card, but maybe I'll do it at the end because I already called this the middle. [02:06:03] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:06:05] Speaker B: I'll do it the opposite of what you did a little bit. Where I'll do my last month at the end of this. [02:06:11] Speaker A: Yeah. Do whatever comes to mind first. [02:06:16] Speaker B: Yeah. So I'll do that. And then one without flash. Yeah. Three of water is nice to get. [02:06:29] Speaker A: That is a nice one. It's got dolphins on it. It's got cups. [02:06:32] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:06:34] Speaker A: Water is cups. [02:06:35] Speaker B: Water is cups. [02:06:37] Speaker A: Wait, a celebration. [02:06:43] Speaker B: Water is cups. Cups is feelings. [02:06:45] Speaker A: Have more fun. That's true. [02:06:48] Speaker B: And I literally just said that as I was shuffling, the card fell out. [02:06:54] Speaker A: That's cool. [02:06:55] Speaker B: Yeah. It's always like that. It's always like that. Wait, I'll get the rest of the cards out because I was going to start reading, but it doesn't make sense to start reading. [02:07:07] Speaker A: Okay. [02:07:08] Speaker B: So I'll get the rest of the cards out first. [02:07:12] Speaker A: You're excited about that three of cups. [02:07:15] Speaker B: I am or you are? Yeah, I'm happy about it. I'm really happy about it. No, wait. Okay, wait. This card really wanted to come out, but I lost it. So. Sorry, card. I think it keeps on coming out and I keep shoving it down. Okay, I lost it. Maybe it'll come some later time. There's a lot of cards that want to come out, but I'm very uncertain about all of them. [02:07:51] Speaker A: I don't know. [02:07:51] Speaker B: This is what I'm scared of, this phenomenon that I'm doing right now where I'm shoving these cards back into this deck. That's like, how I feel about doing tarot cards. It's like, oh, no, I don't really want to see it. I don't really want to see it. [02:08:04] Speaker A: Leanne, you know what it is? Doing your own tarot cards. [02:08:08] Speaker B: Yeah, one just popped out. I didn't even have control over it. Okay. And it came upside down. So I'm just going to leave it upside down, but I'll send it to you right side up so you could read it right. Or maybe I'll do it upside down and you have to go through the trouble of reading it upside down. [02:08:33] Speaker A: I'll just put my phone upside down. [02:08:35] Speaker B: Sounds good. [02:08:36] Speaker A: I can handle it. [02:08:39] Speaker B: There's like this huge problem in my head. Laurie's not going to be able to read this upside down. What is she going to. [02:08:50] Speaker A: No. Oh, no. What am I going to do? Oh, that's good. [02:08:59] Speaker B: Yeah. I haven't even read it yet. Contentment, peace and abundance, a happy home life, the successful completion of a project. What am I so scared of? Oh, no, that's good. That's good. The successful completion of a project. [02:09:14] Speaker A: That is good. I noticed in his book he doesn't talk about the cards being flipped, does he? [02:09:20] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Let me just put it right side up then. Yeah, because I think that's where I got the idea to not do the inversion because he's the one that gave me that idea. [02:09:29] Speaker A: So does he not do that? [02:09:31] Speaker B: I don't think so. Because of the reason I said it brings unnecessary negativity. That's already in the card ecosystem. [02:09:43] Speaker A: Makes sense. [02:09:46] Speaker B: Okay. You know, I'm less scared about this card because it's in the past. It just came out. Wait, no, two just came out. It's funny because they're both fires. I'll just co op them. Those are my two. [02:10:01] Speaker A: That's your past. [02:10:02] Speaker B: Yeah, it's my past. But as I was saying, I'm less scared to get these cards out because it's already the past. So it's less things to put my mind towards and more of like a pat on the back or just analyzation. [02:10:17] Speaker A: Right. [02:10:18] Speaker B: So let me send you these cards. I'll just send you the whole deck, actually. Do you like the up close photos? I'll send you the up close photos. [02:10:26] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah, I like them both. Read them. [02:10:42] Speaker B: Yeah. And they have a lot of detail, especially at the flash one. [02:10:51] Speaker A: Yeah, look at that. That's so true. [02:10:58] Speaker B: You're so cool. Like, I just. I don't know, I feel like I don't usually talk to people that are as intuitive and into all this spirituality shit as I am. So it just feels, like, hard to have a conversation with people. [02:11:17] Speaker A: It is. People don't get it. And you know what? A lot of the time, it's just an experience, I think, because you talk to people about it and it can be kind of, like, shocking and you're kind of like, whoa. When it's new to people and you're not able to really get past the surface level because you're too busy talking about, whoa, this is so crazy. [02:11:43] Speaker B: Yeah. And when you're talking to people that don't know about it. It's like, how are you going to explain this entire religious lore to them in a single conversation? [02:11:58] Speaker A: I know. [02:12:01] Speaker B: All right, I guess I'll go in your direction. The three of water, four of fire, and then the left queen of fire and the night of fire. [02:12:10] Speaker A: Right. All right, this is your present time. [02:12:13] Speaker B: Let's start with the present. [02:12:14] Speaker A: Now. [02:12:15] Speaker B: Yeah. Water is good. [02:12:18] Speaker A: You're celebrating right now. You're having a good time right now. Yeah. [02:12:21] Speaker B: The nice thing about this card, I already know a lot of it. I feel like I get this card a lot, is it's about, like, community. [02:12:27] Speaker A: Okay, that's cool. [02:12:29] Speaker B: Okay, so let me read this. I'll drink some water first. Hopefully this isn't going to burn my mouth. I just took it out of the microphone. It was hot. I'm going to get my colder water. [02:12:48] Speaker A: Do you sweeten your tea? [02:12:50] Speaker B: Not at all. [02:12:51] Speaker A: No. You're psycho. That's crazy. [02:12:57] Speaker B: Really? [02:12:57] Speaker A: I like honey in my tea. [02:12:59] Speaker B: Honey in the tea is really good. I don't know why I don't do it. I don't know. I feel like I like tasting the leaves, but also I do honey sometimes. [02:13:10] Speaker A: The thing is, too, is when you're putting honey in it, you have to do the act of putting the honey in. And sometimes honey can be a pain in the neck. [02:13:19] Speaker B: That's less of an issue. It's more of like, do I want to taste honey all the time? [02:13:24] Speaker A: Okay. [02:13:25] Speaker B: Because I'm very particular about my tea flavors, too, because I'm like, oh, I had too much chamomile. I need some elderberry now. [02:13:35] Speaker A: That's cool. [02:13:36] Speaker B: Yeah, it's very, like, unsweetened. Yeah. It's having that earthy feeling and really tasting the elements of each leaf that I'm having. [02:13:48] Speaker A: Your leaf water? [02:13:49] Speaker B: Yeah, my leaf water. Let me eat more chocolate. [02:14:01] Speaker A: Okay. I know. Gosh, I got to find a lighter. I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight if I don't get that figured out. [02:14:12] Speaker B: You have no idea where it is? [02:14:15] Speaker A: No, I know where it is. Well, actually, I don't know where the other one is. No. [02:14:20] Speaker B: Oh, no. [02:14:23] Speaker A: I'll figure that out. I'm not going to worry about it right now. I'm going to get everything else prepared, and then that's going to be, like, the last step. I need to find the lighter. [02:14:33] Speaker B: That sounds good. I forgot to send you pictures of us. Yeah, sorry. [02:14:44] Speaker A: I'm kind of shocked by how much fire stuff you get all the time. [02:14:48] Speaker B: It's fucking crazy, isn't it? [02:14:51] Speaker A: Your life is constantly on fire. [02:14:54] Speaker B: Yeah. That's like when I first started doing tarot with my ex and I kept on getting wand cards. Like, constantly getting wands, and it hasn't really stopped. [02:15:11] Speaker A: I know all the cards are wand except for the three of water. It's funny because they're all about work and achievement and it just keeps going. [02:15:25] Speaker B: Yeah. I don't know if that's a good thing. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I don't know. [02:15:31] Speaker A: It's good. I mean, that's what you like. [02:15:34] Speaker B: When it becomes a bad thing, is when I get the ten of fire. The ten of wands. You got it last time. I always get that card. That's when it's telling me to stop or just calm down for a second. [02:15:48] Speaker A: Yeah. I wonder what I think of that. [02:15:56] Speaker B: What do you mean? What is that sentence? I wonder what I think of that's. [02:16:13] Speaker A: What do you mean? [02:16:16] Speaker B: How do you not know what you think of that? [02:16:34] Speaker A: Can't process things. I didn't know I couldn't process my emotions. It's not even me. I couldn't. I just think that. Well, because it's you, too. You have your own. I wonder if this is kind of like making you hyper focus on it. [02:17:05] Speaker B: What do you mean? [02:17:11] Speaker A: Are you thinking about projects all the time because the universe is telling you to? [02:17:18] Speaker B: Not at all. Not at all. The universe is just observing me. It's the same thing I said with you. Like, you got your cards because that's who you are. [02:17:28] Speaker A: Yeah, no, you're right. For sure. [02:17:30] Speaker B: Yeah, because you didn't get these cards. I got these cards because I'm the one that's like that. It's observing right now, and this is who I am. And it was observing you and your cards, which is why, because you know what's crazy is you get a lot of air cards. You get a lot. A lot of air cards. [02:17:47] Speaker A: Yeah, I do. That is really interesting. [02:17:50] Speaker B: Yeah. I've never seen that many air cards before. [02:17:54] Speaker A: That is really crazy. I wonder what that means. [02:17:56] Speaker B: Well, you're an air sign, aren't you? [02:17:58] Speaker A: No, I'm an Earth sign. [02:18:00] Speaker B: But your ascending is air or. No, that's me. That's me. [02:18:05] Speaker A: I don't have a lot of air in my chart. I have a few minor planets in air, but really, air isn't a big aspect of my chart now. [02:18:19] Speaker B: Oh, really? [02:18:20] Speaker A: A lot of past relationships with people who have air signs. My dog is so loud. [02:18:31] Speaker B: Yeah. I'm like, what's going on? I thought you were, like, opening a toolbox or something. [02:18:40] Speaker A: Did you hear her, like, growling, though? [02:18:42] Speaker B: No, I just heard her feet, her little pitter patter. [02:18:46] Speaker A: She just went sprinting out the door. I don't know. She's wild. [02:18:49] Speaker B: My God. [02:18:50] Speaker A: But anyway, yeah, no, I find myself. I usually end up talking to a lot of air sign men. And also my Venus sign, which is my sign of love, isn't an air sign. And that's pretty much it. I have a lot of air sign friends. [02:19:19] Speaker B: That's crazy. [02:19:20] Speaker A: She's an air sign. I talk to her all the time. [02:19:23] Speaker B: I really thought you were an air sign. That's crazy. I don't know why I thought that. I think I just saw all the air cards and I was like, it's probably air sign or something. [02:19:31] Speaker A: Well, yeah, I was thinking that, too, because it talks a lot about, like, this could have something to do with an air sign. I'm like, I don't want to talk about that. [02:19:42] Speaker B: Also, Laura, FYI, I think I ate too much chocolate. I'm, like, fucking freaking out. Right? [02:19:51] Speaker A: No. [02:19:52] Speaker B: Oh, no, it's good, it's good. It's okay. I can handle it. [02:19:54] Speaker A: You'll be okay. But, like. Oh, man. [02:19:57] Speaker B: Yeah, I hate when I get like that. I'll be fine. [02:20:02] Speaker A: You accidentally pay too much. No, my dog is running across the yard. Hold on, let me get her. [02:20:07] Speaker B: Okay. [02:20:08] Speaker A: Go ahead, Susie. You know what she did to me, Amelia? [02:20:11] Speaker B: What did she do? [02:20:13] Speaker A: So she does this thing when they're ready to come in, where they run up the ramp and you can kind of hear them run up. It kind of sounds like they're like, know. [02:20:21] Speaker B: Okay. [02:20:21] Speaker A: So she runs up the ramp, and then I go to let her in, and then she goes darting across the yard, back and forth, like a wild animal. Well, I guess she is an animal, but just running crazy, and I'm like, what are you doing? You asked to come in the house. Let's go. And she's just bad. [02:20:41] Speaker B: Oh, my God. [02:20:42] Speaker A: She's just acting up. But anyways. Yeah. You were saying you've never done, like, a trip? Trip? [02:20:50] Speaker B: No. [02:20:51] Speaker A: Didn't you trip out recently, though? [02:20:55] Speaker B: Microdose? It's not tripping out. [02:21:01] Speaker A: I think you should. I think it's worth it. [02:21:04] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm going to. I just need the right setting. [02:21:08] Speaker A: Okay. What do you want to do? [02:21:11] Speaker B: Just not be at my boyfriend's parents house. [02:21:16] Speaker A: Right. [02:21:18] Speaker B: Yeah. I just don't want to be afraid of walking outside and having something happen. I want it to be in a safe environment where I'm not afraid of anyone judging me if I do freak out or scream. [02:21:32] Speaker A: Yeah, it's fun. I recommend watching a movie or something because you can kind of lose track of time and all that stuff, so it's good to just have something constant to center you. [02:21:52] Speaker B: Yeah. I've had weekends at hotels and also in my own old apartment where we got pretty high and just watched the Matrix, actually in that hotel. But I recently got back into the Matrix. That was my first time watching it. I was high in that hotel. And there is those kind of moments where you kind of just forget what you're doing and then you go back and you're like, oh, that movie is still playing. [02:22:29] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. [02:22:30] Speaker B: Those are fun. I haven't done that in a while. Right now we've mostly just been high to the point where it's kind of an altered reality, but not too altered. Still functional. [02:22:45] Speaker A: I had a wonderful idea. [02:22:47] Speaker B: Okay. [02:22:48] Speaker A: I'm going to light this with a match. [02:22:53] Speaker B: Yes. [02:22:54] Speaker A: Isn't that great? [02:22:56] Speaker B: I know I just said I took too much chocolate, but I want to have another piece right now. [02:23:04] Speaker A: If you're feeling it. [02:23:05] Speaker B: No, I'll be fine. [02:23:09] Speaker A: Okay. Read your cards. Read your cards. [02:23:11] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Wait, so are you lighting a match? [02:23:16] Speaker A: I'll be all right. Wait. Yeah, because you're streaming. We're not streaming. [02:23:23] Speaker B: I could cut it. [02:23:25] Speaker A: No, I don't care. But it's kind of like. I don't know. Do you care? [02:23:30] Speaker B: About what? [02:23:31] Speaker A: The sounds of hot. [02:23:35] Speaker B: Oh, is it, like, super loud? [02:23:37] Speaker A: It won't be, no, but I didn't know if you were worried about it. [02:23:43] Speaker B: Why would I be worried if it's not loud? [02:23:46] Speaker A: I don't know. [02:23:51] Speaker B: If I don't hear a gurgling bong and you're coughing. I think I'll be fine. [02:24:00] Speaker A: Feel like just trying to read your paragraph. You and you, like, keep repeating yourself. [02:24:15] Speaker B: You just keep on interrupting me. What? This is how I smoke and then. [02:24:20] Speaker A: You keep going, and then I start coughing. You just take another hit nonstop. [02:24:29] Speaker B: It never stops till the end of the card. [02:24:36] Speaker A: Okay. All right. [02:24:38] Speaker B: Feel free. I don't care. Don't feel like you can't do it. If you want to do it, but you feel like you can't just do it. [02:24:46] Speaker A: I'm going to do it. [02:24:47] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:24:48] Speaker A: I'm actually going to write it on the stove. Sounds good, but, yeah, go ahead, do your thing. [02:24:54] Speaker B: We're good. All right, three of water. This is the present. Now we get to celebrate. This card is famous for pointing out a reason to proclaim our happiness over a joyous event. Often, this card heralds the announcement of an engagement, a wedding, the birth of a child, a graduation, or the promotion of someone to a new job. Or perhaps we don't need a reason to kick up our heels. This card may be telling us that we need to enjoy life a little bit more and find a reason to have a party. We might enchant our inner child with a day at an amusement park or whatever makes our heart sing and embrace the moment and have fun. Yes, I do. Symbolism. Three happy dolphins swim about in the ocean. Dolphins have a very strong connection to those in their groups. For this reason, they represent happy communities. Did I fucking send you pictures of this? [02:25:52] Speaker A: Yes, you did. [02:25:53] Speaker B: Okay, good. Okay. I thought I didn't. Sorry. [02:25:55] Speaker A: You did. [02:25:56] Speaker B: Okay. Three cups full of water sit together on the ocean's floor. These cups represent the content of our emotional inner lives. By placing the cups together, the dolphins have shown their desire to have a shared experience. A ray of light softly shines through the water to the dolphins and the cups. At that level of the ocean, we would expect the image to be dark. But these happy circumstances. Circumstances have invited us into the light. Angel number. The angel number for this card is 39, which asks us to be of service to others, seek out our life purpose, and begin fulfilling it immediately so that we may have the joy of celebration in our lives every day. You know what's crazy? I don't think I've ever read my own reading with someone observing it at the same time. I've read it to myself and then told my boyfriend about it after going through it. But I'm never going through each card with someone. This is like a first for me. It's kind of crazy. [02:27:01] Speaker A: Is it fun? [02:27:02] Speaker B: It's fun. You know what's weird? What's funny about it is that I'm reading this and I'm like, okay, I'll see how she's feeling about this because I'm reading it for her. But I'm not reading it for you. I'm reading it for me. So I feel like I'm performing for you so you could connect to it, but I'm supposed to be the one connecting to this, so I'm not doing it correctly. I've just never read it with someone. It's kind of crazy. [02:27:28] Speaker A: Yeah. You're having to tap into it. I'm reading it, and I'm trying to think of your life. [02:27:38] Speaker B: Yeah. So you're doing the role that I usually do. [02:27:44] Speaker A: Yeah. That's cool. [02:27:47] Speaker B: Yeah, it is pretty cool. This is how you learn tarot. Learn how to do other tarot readings for other people. [02:27:54] Speaker A: I could probably do a reading if I wanted. [02:27:57] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm 100% sure. Basically, I felt kind of useless or just like, along for the ride while I was doing your cards because you're already connecting with it. So I don't feel like I have to explain anything to you. [02:28:16] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. It's cool, though. You know what I mean? I was going to be like, yeah, I kind of would know it all, but that's all right. Yeah, I know myself and that's a good thing. [02:28:35] Speaker B: It's okay to appreciate yourself. [02:28:37] Speaker A: Yeah, that's good. [02:28:39] Speaker B: And you are genuinely tapped into spirituality. [02:28:44] Speaker A: Yeah, thanks. Yeah, I try. I'm very interested in it. I think that, sorry, I ripped my thing. And I'm all like, I'm all stony, honestly. [02:29:02] Speaker B: No, you're good. [02:29:08] Speaker A: No, I was going to tell you that you shouldn't feel useless because you're reading the cards to me. You're pulling them out for me and you're doing that whole act. You're showing me all this stuff and you're relating it, and then at times I'm like, oh, maybe it's this. And you're like, no, this is your past. No, that's that. And it's the error thing. I don't know. You're like, making sure I'm reading it correctly because if you just handed me some tarot cards, I wouldn't know what to do with it. Oh, yeah, I wouldn't know what I'm doing. [02:29:52] Speaker B: Yeah. So it's that doubt. [02:29:55] Speaker A: Yeah. And yeah, sure, I'm able to relate it to my life and I don't need much explanation for the symbolism and stuff. And also it's kind of like book club. I'm kind of, like working through it as you're reading it and as I'm hearing it. But, yeah, it would be totally different if I was just doing it for myself. I feel like I wouldn't get as thorough of a reading or as accurate of a reading. And I feel like I would misinterpret a lot of the information. [02:30:35] Speaker B: Yeah. What it is is a cooperative discovery when you're doing it with another person. [02:30:43] Speaker A: And I feel like it also helps that we've known each other for so long, too, because in a way, we're able to tap into each other's energy really well. We have that connection. [02:31:01] Speaker B: Yeah. It's so much harder for me to do readings for people I don't know. [02:31:07] Speaker A: Yeah, it is. And I feel like the more you learn about a person, the more you're able to read them and the more you're able to tell them things that they're going to understand. [02:31:21] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:31:22] Speaker A: Because you understand them. [02:31:25] Speaker B: Yeah. Anyways, I was just talking about that. It's so crazy how much you're in my headspace. Yeah. Also, when you were talking earlier. [02:31:36] Speaker A: I. [02:31:37] Speaker B: Was thinking like, action. And then you said, act, and I was like, man, we are in the fucking same headspace right now. I was going to say something, too. I think the other thing that helps with another person reading your cards is that the reason why you're kind of stuck in your own life or your own little cycle is because you've already set up answers to any sort of input. So getting that difference perspective is able to shoot you out of your own little cycle of like, no, I need to do this or that or that. You know what I mean? [02:32:16] Speaker A: It really does. Getting that other perspective and even just saying things to another person, hearing your own thoughts, you're kind of like, oh, and some things, it makes your thoughts make more sense. And other things, you're kind of like, okay, yeah, I'm throwing that one out. I shouldn't be thinking that. Yeah, that was kind of a crazy thought. [02:32:43] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:32:44] Speaker A: And you see what's rational thinking and what's just overthinking. [02:32:50] Speaker B: Exactly. Ready to continue? [02:32:54] Speaker A: I am. [02:32:56] Speaker B: Okay, so we're at angel number in the middle of a paragraph talking about the number 39. The number is also associated with ascended masters such as Quan, Jin, and Jesus, who are kind and loving, have only our best interests at heart. Why'd you laugh? [02:33:15] Speaker A: Because Jesus is cool. [02:33:17] Speaker B: Yeah, he is. [02:33:18] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. I saw this one movie called Jesus Christ Superstar. [02:33:23] Speaker B: Okay. [02:33:24] Speaker A: It was kind of tight. Jesus climbed a mountain and he goes, yeah. At the top of it. [02:33:30] Speaker B: That's awesome. [02:33:31] Speaker A: It was so cool. I was like, man, jesus is the guy. [02:33:40] Speaker B: Is it a comedy? Was it like that one movie where they crucify him, the passion of Christ, where it's all serious and religious? [02:33:53] Speaker A: That's what I thought I was getting into. I was expecting something gory, and everybody was just singing, and it was just wonderful. It was a great time. [02:34:02] Speaker B: Oh, my God. Can you link it to me? Can you link it to me? [02:34:04] Speaker A: Yeah, I'll find it for you. I got you. [02:34:07] Speaker B: Thank you. [02:34:09] Speaker A: It was funny. Okay. [02:34:11] Speaker B: But anyways, the nice thing about Jesus is he makes me think of neo from the Matrix. This podcast is sponsored. [02:34:26] Speaker A: Jesus is a symbol. [02:34:29] Speaker B: Yeah. He's a symbol of how great a human could be. And he's like an ideal. [02:34:36] Speaker A: Yeah, he is. And so much media is centered around the human perspective of Jesus. You know what mean? Like, a lot of people create characters to be like, know. [02:34:56] Speaker B: Yeah. Like Luke Skywalker. What? [02:35:02] Speaker A: I watched Naruto. Naruto, I would argue, is like, Jesus. [02:35:06] Speaker B: And like Goku from Dragon Ball Z, too. [02:35:11] Speaker A: It's usually the main character, too. [02:35:13] Speaker B: Yeah. The protagonist. [02:35:17] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay. Anyways, so 39. [02:35:22] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. I thought you were going to say something. I was like 39. Okay, the number 39 reduces to three. Three plus nine equals twelve. One plus two equals three. In traditional numerology, this is a number of creativity, communication, and artfulness, which are all aspects of the three of the. Oh, my God. You know what it is, Laura? [02:35:43] Speaker A: What? [02:35:44] Speaker B: Right now, at this very moment, is three of water. Because I'm with you. Yeah. Because it's like three of water is always a party. [02:35:54] Speaker A: Oh, my. [02:35:55] Speaker B: Yeah. And also my boyfriend's here too, and he's having a good time. Yeah. [02:36:01] Speaker A: Wow. And it's the present card. [02:36:06] Speaker B: Yeah. Because it's right this moment. It's literally talking about right now. [02:36:10] Speaker A: That is so nice. [02:36:12] Speaker B: And I'm having such a nice time, too, so it really is representative of this moment. [02:36:16] Speaker A: That is nice. See? Happy communities. [02:36:19] Speaker B: Yeah, definitely. All right, here's astrology. The one I never understand. Mercury and cancer, is an energy that tends to communicate with great feelings. Even though mercury is most often thought of as the mental aspect in astrology, the deeply feeling cancer softens the temptation to intellectualize everything when it might be best to feel its way through things. This aspect is concerned with family lineage and heritage. And has anything that may have happened in the past? For this reason, events such as weddings, births and graduation become all the more important. [02:37:01] Speaker A: Oh, that's nice. Yeah, it's funny about that. We were just talking about feeling and stuff. Yeah, we've talked a lot about all that stuff, feeling, emotions. It kind of reminds me of the whole femininity conversation we had and that whole strength card. [02:37:23] Speaker B: Yeah. And the main thing that resonates with me is that I just made this short last night or yesterday, or was it two days ago, of me talking about this one quote from a poem where it was like, you trim your hair and suddenly you're now your mother. [02:37:47] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:37:48] Speaker B: And that just got me thinking about lineage. It's funny because I said the word lineage in my podcast, and just like, how not just in the physical realm, but also the emotional and spiritual realm gets passed down from generation to generation, including traumas. So I was thinking a lot about you're carrying all of your family's shit and also their love and just your entire family's personalities. And you. And that's what you were saying earlier about everyone you're around makes who you are. [02:38:26] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:38:27] Speaker B: And that is very much including your family and their family and with their parents and their parents. And you're just creating this entire ancestry in your body and in your soul. [02:38:41] Speaker A: Well, you're that. And you're also who you decide to be, too. [02:38:47] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:38:48] Speaker A: And it's crazy. It goes way back to all throughout history. The family line has been going forever. We experienced all that. [02:39:08] Speaker B: Yeah. And it's not just our family. It's like all of humanity is within your body. [02:39:14] Speaker A: And, I mean, there's also the concept of past lives, which I wonder about. I don't have a full opinion about it, honestly, but that's something you could think about, too. And they do say that you do carry karma from a past life, and there is also ancestral karma, and there's things that you're experiencing, and there's good karma and there's bad karma. And I think that generally, there's a lot of good here. There's a lot of good that I get from you, and you do give a lot of good vibes, and you do a lot of good for people. [02:40:00] Speaker B: Really? [02:40:01] Speaker A: Yeah, for sure. [02:40:02] Speaker B: Dude, thank you so much for saying that. [02:40:05] Speaker A: Yeah, no, I get zero bad vibes from you. [02:40:10] Speaker B: That's really nice, because I'm always afraid. [02:40:14] Speaker A: Yeah. No, there's not a negative thing that comes from you as a person and as a concept, anything like that. Are you serious? Yeah. No. Literally, if we're looking at yin and yang and duality, it's on the good side. It's on the side of light. It's not darkness, it's not evil. It's nothing like that. I don't get anything like that. It's goodness. It's good vibes, generally. My main point in saying that, because I did talk about karma, and I feel like karma does have kind of, like, a negative connotation, but I feel like if you're generally a good person and people pick up goodness from you, it means that you come from good and you're doing good and you're also reaping what you sow in this universe. [02:41:20] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:41:22] Speaker A: And I don't know, because I feel like it's easy to kind of look at yourself and be like, oh, it's easy to see your own flaws. And I went through the drive through today, and this lady was like, oh, you're the first customer I had. And you're really cheerful. And I was like, oh, thanks. And I drove away and I was like, gosh, this stranger lady saw me and just picked up a good vibe from me. And I think that when people come across me, for some reason in my head, I think that they think I'm mean or they see something like evil or wrong in me. But no, that's not true. People see me and think I'm wonderful and it's cool. [02:42:14] Speaker B: You know why? That's nice. Or like what I just thought of. [02:42:17] Speaker A: That. [02:42:19] Speaker B: Like we're so on, on top of our shit and what we're doing wrong, that's all we see on ourselves. Because you were just saying, you assume they're thinking you're mean, but it's good to keep yourself in check. Because you're saying that you only get whatever the light energy is and the yin and yang from me. Well, when I see myself, all I see is the dark. So it's not that I'm only white because that's not how the world works. It's always like the balance of the light and the dark. So if all I am outputting, all you're seeing for me is the light, and all I'm seeing of myself is the dark, isn't that good? I don't want to shit on people, but when people think they're such a good guy, you usually just see something very nasty in them that they don't see in themselves. So if they see the light in themselves, that means you see the dark because it needs to be that balance. So if you're always putting yourself in check, then what you're going to give out is that light energy because you're taking in the dark from yourself so that nobody else has to. [02:43:36] Speaker A: Wow, that was a great observation. And that is the concept of yin and yang. Because the whole point of that is there is no darkness without light, and there is no light without dark. You probably wouldn't be a good person if you didn't experience bad. [02:44:03] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:44:04] Speaker A: Because you're able to understand what comes from all that stuff and you're able to then prevent it. Not even just prevent it, but not be that. Not be evil, not be mean or whatever. You don't do that because, you know, it can be damaging or whatever. Yeah, but it's interesting. [02:44:36] Speaker B: It's really nice contrast. [02:44:38] Speaker A: Yeah, that's cool. That's a good observation. [02:44:41] Speaker B: That was really nice revelation. Yeah, because, man, I hate saying this, but we're so much alike because I feel like it's like a type of almost arrogance in me. And I don't know, whenever I say that, I feel like it'll make people uncomfortable because it's kind of this latching on of, like, oh, you're just like me. I feel like that energy whenever I say that to someone, so I don't want to ever say it, but, yeah, I definitely see a lot of similarities. [02:45:15] Speaker A: Yeah, I agree. I think that there's that, and I think we also have a really good understanding of each other. [02:45:22] Speaker B: Yeah. And there's a reason that we were friends before and that we're talking to each other and are friends now. [02:45:28] Speaker A: Yeah. No, for sure. Dude, it's crazy. You've been my friend for a long time. [02:45:34] Speaker B: Yeah. I was saying this to my boyfriend. You're the only friend that or maybe the first. It's definitely one of the only friends that I've had where you're outside of my friend group because I'm used to talking to people in my friend group, but you weren't really in my friend group at all, so you're the only one that I hung out every single day. What's so crazy is we hung out every single day, but it wasn't because of a classroom. It wasn't because of anything. It's because we decided to see each other every single day after school. [02:46:05] Speaker A: Yeah, I know. And it was just good. And it was so much fun. [02:46:14] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:46:18] Speaker A: I don't know. We were crazy, too. [02:46:21] Speaker B: It was funny. [02:46:24] Speaker A: Posse day. [02:46:26] Speaker B: Oh, was that Wednesday? Yeah. I forgot it was called posse day. That's crazy. Why did we call it that? There's no reason. [02:46:39] Speaker A: Two of us. I think because it was funny that there was two of us and we were a posse. Oh, my God. [02:46:52] Speaker B: What does posse even mean? [02:46:56] Speaker A: It's like your click. [02:46:58] Speaker B: Oh, my God. Just two of us. [02:47:04] Speaker A: That's cool. [02:47:05] Speaker B: Yeah. The whole nature of friendship is kind of, like, crazy to wonder. [02:47:12] Speaker A: Amelia, I think you should watch Naruto. Okay. Well, you should. [02:47:17] Speaker B: That sounds fun. [02:47:19] Speaker A: It is so good. And what I love about Narto is it's a fictional story. Right. But they use a lot of elements of spirituality, and, I mean, it's its own universe, so it's kind of its own rules. There's a lot of magic and whatever. [02:47:38] Speaker B: Okay. [02:47:40] Speaker A: But there's those elements of real life, and it's very symbolic. It's really good. You'll really like it. [02:47:51] Speaker B: Okay. Have you watched Dragon Ball? Dragon Ball Z? [02:47:54] Speaker A: I should watch that. [02:47:55] Speaker B: You haven't. Okay. If I watch Naruto, you have to watch ball. [02:47:59] Speaker A: Okay, deal. [02:48:00] Speaker B: Dragon Ball Z specifically. [02:48:05] Speaker A: I was going to watch Dragon Ball P. So funny. [02:48:14] Speaker B: Okay, but we have all the mp4 s, so I could just send you that so you don't even have to get funimation or anything. [02:48:24] Speaker A: Okay. [02:48:27] Speaker B: Do you want that? [02:48:28] Speaker A: Why do you have all of Dragon Ball Z. [02:48:34] Speaker B: Specifically for Dragon Ball Z? The problem is that it was in the 90s, so there's a bunch of different dubs and a bunch of different music soundtracks to it based on the region that they were from. So my boyfriend grew up to the ocean dub, but there's different parts of the world that has different english translations. So we wanted specifically what he had growing up as a kid because it's legitimately like different voice actors or different lines of speech. I kind of like the funimation one better, honestly. Maybe you should just watch the funimation one, but for a second. [02:49:19] Speaker A: Watch. [02:49:20] Speaker B: You should watch the ocean dub if you want to see how my boyfriend found it or. Which one do you want? [02:49:25] Speaker A: I don't know. I'm going to figure it out. Is it on Hulu? [02:49:30] Speaker B: It's on Funimation and or. [02:49:35] Speaker A: Okay, I'll figure it out. Okay, I'll figure it out. [02:49:40] Speaker B: But if you need it, I'll upload it to Google Drive or something. Even though I only have like 20 gigs left to put in that space, I need to empty it out. It's because I put like 40 hours of me playing Conan eggs because I want to make a gaming video, but I never worked on it. [02:49:59] Speaker A: Amelia, why don't you. [02:50:04] Speaker B: Because my laptop can't run stream too well, but maybe I should just stream instead of record. [02:50:12] Speaker A: Yeah, I streamed for a while. It was fun. [02:50:15] Speaker B: I'm also playing with my boyfriend and he kind of doesn't want to be all that. He doesn't want to be in the public eye right now, so I also edit out whenever he talks or theoretically, because I do play with him on Kona and exiles. [02:50:36] Speaker A: It's only in Japanese on Hulu. [02:50:40] Speaker B: Oh, that sucks. [02:50:42] Speaker A: I know. Maybe I'll watch it in Japanese. [02:50:45] Speaker B: That might be cool if you want. Yeah, it's just as long as you read the subtitles. What if you didn't watch it with the subtitles on? [02:50:56] Speaker A: I'll do it blind. [02:50:58] Speaker B: Wow. They're probably saying something cool. [02:51:03] Speaker A: One time I watched a whole movie without subtitles. I didn't know what was going on. [02:51:08] Speaker B: Well, that's like, if you want to be silly and fun, my family were having a good time. Yeah, and you have to be hanging out with people. What are we doing? [02:51:19] Speaker A: Reading your card. [02:51:20] Speaker B: Are we on four of fire, or did we just finish three of water? [02:51:25] Speaker A: The four of fire. [02:51:28] Speaker B: Should I read the little small book? [02:51:30] Speaker A: Yeah, read the little small book. [02:51:31] Speaker B: Okay. I need to send it to you, right? [02:51:33] Speaker A: Yes. [02:51:34] Speaker B: Okay. I just had another piece of chocolate. Oh, fuck. It's three. I'm looking for, like, queen because it has two e's and I'm like, oh, yeah, it's the queen of fire. But then I looked at it again, I was like, oh. [02:52:05] Speaker A: See this one? Let's see what this one says. Contentment. Okay, so where is this one? It's in the future. [02:52:13] Speaker B: It's in four of fire. Yeah. Wait. I'm sending you three of water right now. [02:52:22] Speaker A: That's still. What's going on right now. Got it. I'm getting ahead of myself. [02:52:28] Speaker B: You're good. And this one's a little fast anyway, so small. It's time for a celebration. Weddings, announcements of pregnancy or birth, and reunions are likely. Graduations or promotions are on the horizon. You need to have more fun. You're working too hard. I must learn to relax, throw a party or take a vacation. Yes. Additional meanings of this card. Community, hospitality, entertainment, good fortune, happy conclusions. You know how many times I say that I need to relax and I'm working too hard to myself? I say that all the time. [02:53:04] Speaker A: Just relax. You need to quit telling yourself to relax and just relax. [02:53:12] Speaker B: That's a really good thing to say. That's so true. You got to stop telling yourself to relax and just relax. You know how profound that is of a statement? [02:53:32] Speaker A: Oh, gosh. Me? I relax all the time. I wish I could relax more. [02:53:40] Speaker B: Are you fucking kidding me? Did you just say that? That's so crazy. Yeah, you relax all the time. [02:53:47] Speaker A: I'm constantly relaxing. Yes. [02:53:50] Speaker B: How? [02:53:53] Speaker A: I just have fun. [02:53:55] Speaker B: You know, the only time I relax is when I'm looking at my chickens. [02:54:01] Speaker A: I believe that. Okay. Did I not tell you you were going to love chickens? I told you that. I remember that one time we went to the feed store. We went to go get sushi. Remember how we used to go get sushi at that one place by the high school? [02:54:21] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:54:22] Speaker A: Well, one day we walked down to that farm store, and you were vegan at the time, and I was like, come on, there's baby chickens there. It's going to be a great time. They're adorable. We're going to have a good time. And we got there, and you were so sad about the chickens because you thought about it and you're like, people are going to eat them. [02:54:43] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:54:44] Speaker A: And you got really contemplative about it. I was like, Amelia, they're just chickens. They're cute. And then we left, and then, I don't know, it was a good time. We did something else or whatever, but I had chickens and I was like, you would like chickens. You should get some as a pet. You don't have to eat them. They're pets. They're animals? Yeah, and they give you eggs. It's wonderful. [02:55:18] Speaker B: What did I say? [02:55:21] Speaker A: I didn't say all that at the time. I might have. I don't know. Wait, what do you mean you didn't. [02:55:28] Speaker B: Say that at the time? [02:55:29] Speaker A: I don't remember. It's been a long time. I'm confused. Wait. [02:55:38] Speaker B: You just went back on what you just said? You just told me that. You told me that. And that you said this a long time ago. And then right now you just said. You never said that. [02:55:53] Speaker A: I confused myself. I never. I don't. [02:56:03] Speaker B: Do you just make up a memory for me? [02:56:12] Speaker A: What did I say? You said. [02:56:21] Speaker B: I think we did go see chickens, though, right? [02:56:24] Speaker A: Yeah. So we did go to the chicken store. You did get sad about the chickens, but pretty much what I said, I was just like, just get over it, Amelia, why are you so upset? Stop. And then we just left and we just kind of dropped it. And that was kind of that. But after that, when I was talking about the other thing, I was just kind of talking in general about having chickens as a pet. [02:56:54] Speaker B: Okay. [02:56:55] Speaker A: I guess, I don't know, my sentence needs punctuation because, I don't know, chickens are just great pets. They're fun, they're mesmerizing. Birds are mesmerizing? [02:57:09] Speaker B: Yeah. It's because they're reptiles. [02:57:12] Speaker A: Oh. I mean, no, they're not. [02:57:20] Speaker B: Wait, what? [02:57:22] Speaker A: They don't need sunlight to keep warm? [02:57:28] Speaker B: Well, not biologically. That's where they differ. But if you look at in terms of emotional scale, mammals have a lot more empathy, if you would say, or a more emotional palette than a bird does. Because if you go back in metamorphosism or just, what's it called? Darwinism or basically evology. Evolving. Evolution. If you go backwards in scale, you get more basic in modes. And with reptiles, it's like zero and ones when it comes to emotions, they're very robotic. If you see it in terms of mammals, same thing with fishes, too. It's just like, yes or no? That's kind of what you see with them. There's no creative emotion or sadness in them, it's just like fear or love type of thing. [02:58:29] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:58:30] Speaker B: And birds are, like, the next step from fishes or reptiles. The next step to what a mammal would be is a bird. [02:58:41] Speaker A: Right. [02:58:43] Speaker B: At least I think that's the case. They're definitely more simple, so they contain the core contents of what it means to be alive. So when you see a bird, you just see them as a simplified versions of what humans do. And it's like, oh, that's like a simplified version of how I should live my life. And we're at a human state where it's as complicated as it should be, which is why there's so much anxiety and doubt and everything. [02:59:12] Speaker A: Yes, I agree with that. I also think there's something very carefree about animals. I think that they're very free. [02:59:25] Speaker B: I think we just have more emotions in them, responsibility. [02:59:32] Speaker A: We're so smart. Sometimes I think about how my brain constantly is doing something. I'm constantly watching a show or listening to music, or, like, I'm constantly occupying my brain. And animals don't need that. That's, like, another topic. But there's something. So I guess the right way to put it would be like, it's easy to envy animals as you observe them and see them live their carefree life because they don't have the responsibilities we have. They don't have to do anything. They just kind of exist and eat and just be. Have fun, play and be silly. [03:00:36] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:00:38] Speaker A: I love my dogs for that. They're like little kids. It's the same thing with kids, too. They don't have the same responsibility that humans have. And there's something so peaceful to see as you just observe them be who they are. [03:00:58] Speaker B: Yeah. And they're reminders of how to be alive. [03:01:02] Speaker A: They are. They really are. Okay, so read your card. [03:01:07] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:01:08] Speaker A: Okay. [03:01:08] Speaker B: Did I send it to you yet? Did I send you four fire yet? [03:01:13] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, you did? [03:01:14] Speaker B: I did. Oh, awesome. [03:01:15] Speaker A: Okay. [03:01:16] Speaker B: This is such a wonderful time. Oh, cool. Our work has been rewarded, and we feel the comfort of abundance, peace, and the promise of a joyful life. You know the first thing I think when I hear that? When is this going to happen? How close to the future? Please let me know. Yeah, because I'm like, are you talking ten years from now? Because that's obvious. But if it's, like, next month, that'd be very nice. [03:01:46] Speaker A: I think that's kind of immediate. [03:01:48] Speaker B: Immediate. [03:01:49] Speaker A: You're stepping into it right now. [03:01:51] Speaker B: Oh, thank you. Really? [03:01:53] Speaker A: I think so. [03:01:54] Speaker B: Like, right after this phone call. [03:01:59] Speaker A: Or. [03:01:59] Speaker B: Like, right now, probably right now? [03:02:04] Speaker A: Right now? [03:02:05] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:02:06] Speaker A: As we speak. Like phone call or not, you're doing it. [03:02:11] Speaker B: That's nice. [03:02:12] Speaker A: I think that future is. We're in the present right now, and that's all you'll ever be in. You won't ever be in the past again, and you won't be in the future. Technically, you will always be in the present. So you're always in the present stepping into the future. The next second is the future. Technically, you're different. Every day. You're always moving. The world always spins. [03:02:47] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:02:49] Speaker A: Okay. [03:02:50] Speaker B: That was nice. That was really nice. [03:02:53] Speaker A: Thanks. [03:02:55] Speaker B: The fruits of our labors have been widely acknowledged as deserved, and our efforts have been appreciated. Financially, we feel a sense of stability. It may even be time to focus on the joys of our home lives. Perhaps we'll get married, start a family, or build a home. Perhaps we'll do all three. It's time to express our. I see all those three things as the same thing. [03:03:23] Speaker A: Yeah. [03:03:25] Speaker B: It's time to express our gratitude to the wonderful people in our lives, as well as to our angels and the universe. [03:03:32] Speaker A: That's nice. I think so. Yeah. [03:03:39] Speaker B: My boyfriend just walked in. He got a nice little beard. Okay, four wands, stand. Okay. We're on symbolism. Okay. Four wandstand, forming a square, which is the symbol of structure and balance. The shape provides a sense of stability and safety, much like the life that the four of fire represents to us. You know what I'm doing right now? I'm performing again, expecting you to respond. [03:04:10] Speaker A: To relate to it. [03:04:12] Speaker B: Yeah. I'm expecting you to feel something, but it's about me. I do that so much when I'm reading. I don't read it myself. I just perform it, and I don't know what's going on. Do you get that from me? [03:04:28] Speaker A: Yeah. [03:04:29] Speaker B: No, because I just care so much about what other people are thinking and feeling that I forget on my own. [03:04:36] Speaker A: Don't think about me. Think about you. [03:04:39] Speaker B: Yeah, I know. I know. It's my reading. It's my reading. Okay. Thank you. [03:04:43] Speaker A: Do you want me to read it to you? [03:04:46] Speaker B: Do you want to do that? [03:04:47] Speaker A: I can do that. Are you ready? [03:04:50] Speaker B: I'm ready. [03:04:51] Speaker A: Okay. [03:04:54] Speaker B: This is crazy. [03:04:56] Speaker A: Forming a square, which is the symbol of structure and balance. The shape provides a sense of stability and safety, much like the life that the four of fire presents to us. A square also represents matter and the things in life we create, such as home and earth. The four wands are the colors of the lower four chakras, red, orange, yellow and green. The four of fire isn't a card that's concerned with our spiritual development, but lends itself to feeling safe with a roof over our heads, marriage and procreation, feeling in charge of our lives and the joy of being in love. An orb spins between the four wands in a clockwise direction, assuring us that our lives are moving in positive direction. A friendly dragon materializes inside the orb to show that our passions and creativity have been brought successfully to life. When we wish upon a star, it's said that our dreams come true. This card is full of stars to wish upon, indicating we have faith that many more of our hopes will be brought to fruition. I feel like that is true. I feel like you talked a lot about family and your relationship and how you want to get a House. You're just telling me about how you want to get a place. Well, you're telling me you were looking for a new setting to microdose or a trip, actually, but that kind of relates to that. [03:06:35] Speaker B: It does. [03:06:36] Speaker A: That was a bit of implication. [03:06:38] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:06:40] Speaker A: And you did talk about this before, and I think that it's cool. It's just kind of like, I don't know, you're just doing it. It's moving, and it's going well. And I think that the purpose of it is to kind of reassure you that you're on the right path. [03:07:04] Speaker B: Yeah. I appreciate you so much for doing this. [03:07:10] Speaker A: You're welcome. Why? [03:07:13] Speaker B: Well, it's like, back to that feminine, motherly energy. Because I feel like I live my life for other people, and I'm always wanting everyone else to be as happy as possible, and I want to be worthy enough to even be allowed to be around them. So when you do something like, read this card for me, or you're just present for the situation, just you being present for the situation feels like I'm being focused on, and I think that's a lot of what feminine energy is. It's like allowing someone to exist. [03:07:59] Speaker A: Yeah, well, it's like receiving, too. Being able to receive stuff, that's a big part of feminine energy. Yeah, it's cool. I've done a lot of research on that. I'll send you some videos. [03:08:15] Speaker B: Oh, no way. Oh, that sounds fun. [03:08:18] Speaker A: I'll send it to you. There's this whole thing, this whole rabbit hole. I'll show you. It's cool. [03:08:23] Speaker B: Oh, okay. [03:08:27] Speaker A: So here's your numerology. Check it. This is card 26, blending the power of positive thought with the desire to be financially secure. The four of fire is a card that indicates we feel extremely happy, even celebratory, about our situation at work and at home. The number 26 reduces to eight. Two plus six, promising us further prosperity. Oh, that's so good. And abundance going forward. Ours is not a temporary situation, but one that indicates continued promise in the foreseeable future for ourselves, our partners and our children. That is so good, Amelia. That is so lucky. I know I talk about luck a lot, but that is so lucky. [03:09:15] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:09:16] Speaker A: Why just prosperity? To have the number eight is like, what you're going into is so fortunate. It's great. That's wonderful news. You know what I mean? [03:09:38] Speaker B: Yeah, that's cool. [03:09:40] Speaker A: I like that. [03:09:41] Speaker B: Yeah, this is really nice. [03:09:44] Speaker A: This is great. Astrologically, this card is attributed to Venus and Aries. You. Oh, no, you don't have that. I lied. Never mind. [03:09:55] Speaker B: Yeah, I have moon and. Right. [03:09:57] Speaker A: Yes, yes. Attributed to Venus and Aries. Venus is a planet of beauty, romance and creativity. The perfect planet to link to a card that shows us being happy, excuse me, being happy and content with all these aspects of our lives. Of course, Aries energy makes the desire to achieve our goals quite pressing. We want the lovely things the four of fire offers, and we want them now. Yes. It's that kind of drive that has brought us from the beginning, inspiration of the ace of fire, through the creation of the two of fire, into the long term planning of the three of fire, and into the celebratory joy of the four of fire. I think that that last part is actually really important about how you want it now. [03:10:57] Speaker B: Yeah. And into the long term planning of the three of fire. I feel like that's where I'm at right now, because I feel like I'm just starting all these things and now it's just going through the trudge of being in the middle of making it and making the things that I want, and it feels so slow. [03:11:20] Speaker A: And also, I wanted to mention, too, how I talked about Venus. Venus is also the planet of art, and it's the planet of beauty, aesthetics, things we find, like pleasing to the eye. So I think that you're stepping into abundance. Yeah. But I think that with art, it talks about how you kind of have to work towards it. Sure, you want it now, but you have to take the time and have the patience and go through it. And if you rush it, it's going to be. I don't know. You know what I mean? [03:12:17] Speaker B: And that's how I was feeling about piano and making music and just all of the art stuff where I wish I knew everything that I needed to know. And could perform perfectly. But I am not at that stage right now. And it's scary to not be at the stage of perfection yet. [03:12:36] Speaker A: I think that what the point of it is is that you've got to appreciate the beauty of it while you're learning it, too. It's not about the depth, destination, it's about the journey. [03:12:51] Speaker B: Yeah, exactly. [03:12:52] Speaker A: And with art. Art is beauty. It's making something beautiful and nice to hear. You got to just kind of play the notes and enjoy the sound of yourself playing. And that could probably be a really good way to be more in the moment because that's something you're really working on, is like being in the moment and relaxing. Relaxing. So if you take the time and appreciate the art that you're making, I think it'll be a good way to help you relax while also working and doing something that's going to be meaningful to you. Because you can relax and appreciate things and still be contributing to yourself and everything. [03:13:56] Speaker B: You're right. [03:13:57] Speaker A: It can still be productive. [03:13:58] Speaker B: You're right. [03:14:02] Speaker A: Even watching tv is productive. [03:14:06] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:14:07] Speaker A: Because you learn a lot. And watching something, that's like good morals, it's good for your soul. [03:14:15] Speaker B: It adds to your character. [03:14:18] Speaker A: I do believe that. And I think that anything can be productive. Anything can be good. I don't know. I digress. [03:14:33] Speaker B: Yeah. My boyfriend says all the time, because I feel like I get in that headspace where I feel like I'm wasting time, but he always says that nothing's a waste of time. [03:14:45] Speaker A: It's not. Telling yourself you're wasting your time is wasting your time. [03:14:52] Speaker B: Oh, hell yeah. [03:14:57] Speaker A: Kind of. Right? [03:14:58] Speaker B: Yeah, you're right. [03:15:02] Speaker A: Whatever it happens, then we could talk about that whole thing we were saying before, where it's like, if you like how we were talking about seeing the bad in yourself and then working on yourself, it's better to work on yourself than to not work on yourself. [03:15:28] Speaker B: Yeah, I was just thinking about that, that duality. The nice thing about this four fire card is that if you look at the back, I don't think I showed you the back picture, but the back is, like, very blue, and this fire card is so red. So it's like that duality. I'll send you that picture of what the back looks like. So you know what I'm talking about. [03:15:52] Speaker A: Sh. [03:15:55] Speaker B: Were you going to say something about duality, or did I stop you? [03:15:59] Speaker A: No, I already said everything I was thinking about duality. But, yeah, that's true. That's cool with the cards about duality, too. [03:16:15] Speaker B: Yeah. I don't know if the card said anything about the duality, but just seeing the red and blue in contrast made me remind myself of. [03:16:26] Speaker A: It's cool. [03:16:36] Speaker B: Yeah, isn't it cool? Next card or what? Okay, so we got the queen of fire. You have the pictures up there of what they look like? Yeah, but I'll find the queen of fire for you. [03:16:56] Speaker A: Okay, so this is your past. So we have the queen of fire. [03:16:59] Speaker B: And then also warm, intelligent, graceful, and. [03:17:02] Speaker A: Also the knight of fire. Passionate, adventurous, self assured, restless. They sound like good news. [03:17:15] Speaker B: Oh, thank you. Yeah, but I'm, like, taking it like a compliment. [03:17:27] Speaker A: Well, it is. [03:17:28] Speaker B: Yeah, it is. [03:17:34] Speaker A: That's the thing, too, is I feel like you're good at taking this stuff personally, because I kind of look at it, I'm like, oh, that's lucky. And that's you. [03:17:46] Speaker B: Yeah. Luck is what you've made for yourself. And when you're reading that card earlier, for a fire, you're like, prosperity. It's so lucky. I thought the same thing to myself, but I didn't say it to you, where it's like, it's just what I've made for myself and the consequences of what I've done with my life. [03:18:09] Speaker A: Wow, that's good, though, that you're thinking of cause and effect. Yeah, because I don't think of that. I just kind of leave it up to fate. I kind of don't really take responsibility for it. [03:18:26] Speaker B: Yeah, that makes me scared. I can't even think of thinking like that, because I think if I came from where I was and just let it go, I just turn out exactly how my family turned out, which isn't, like, terrible, but it's like, I want to be as great as possible as I could ever be with the circumstances that I was born with. [03:18:51] Speaker A: Right. Okay, I'm going to read this. Okay. So this is the queen of fire. She's confident, warm, intelligent, and graceful. Stretch your wings and fly. Don't underestimate yourself. Okay. So she wants you to get out there. It says, what are we waiting for? There's nothing we can't accomplish. This is a card of incredible creativity and passion just waiting to be ignited. The queen of fire wants us to understand our unlimited inner strength and inexhaustible power. We mustn't be afraid to present ourselves to the world with beauty and grace. This card also indicates the ability to bounce many aspects of life, especially career and family issues. That's true. [03:19:39] Speaker B: What other issues are there? [03:19:46] Speaker A: Career, all kinds of stuff. Self issues. [03:19:57] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. There's more of me not thinking about myself. That's like, the only issues I focus on are just career and other people. [03:20:14] Speaker A: Oh, there it goes again, talking about your job. It just wants you to work. [03:20:22] Speaker B: Yeah, no, it's not it. It's me. I just want me to work. That's what it is. It's not the cards at all. It's just me. [03:20:35] Speaker A: It's just me. A beautiful, fiery queen sits upon a throne of emeralds, which are the jewels of the heart. It indicates an open heart chakra, as well as the ability to awaken the spirituality of ourselves and others. I feel like that's true. I feel like you kind of have gone through a lot of awakening in the heart and stuff. [03:20:58] Speaker B: You know what this is? This is, like, recent past. Oh, this is crazy, because I'm so used to past being when I was a teenager or a child, and that's so dark. So whenever I would get past cards, it was like, oh, here's your dark past. Isn't it ugly now? The past is like me when I was working on myself and trying to make myself a better person. This is the past it's talking about because I'm expecting it to be negative, but it's like, oh, this is how cool you were just a few months ago or just a few years ago. [03:21:43] Speaker A: Yeah. The queen has a wand of fire, which she creates, and she only chooses endeavors that she's very passionate about. The queen's fire is giving birth to bejeweled dragons. It's not necessary for her to create on her own when she can do so with a friend. This card indicates that friends and helpers will be easy to come by. The queen wears angel wings, the only card in this suit to do so. She loves to help others and will extend aid whenever possible. That's nice. [03:22:17] Speaker B: This is all really nice. It's true. So nice. [03:22:23] Speaker A: Queen of Fire is card 35. With the five energy in this number, we're reminded that we're all manifesto of our realities. We can make the changes we wish in our lives at any time. We also have the help of the ascended masters and all their combined experience. The number 35 reduces to eight. There it is again. With the eight energy in this number, we're reminded that this card is one of manifestation and creation. Abundance and prosperity are available to all those who draw this card. I'm telling you. [03:23:03] Speaker B: Wow, this is great. [03:23:06] Speaker A: See, this reminds me of how you have a retrograde Jupiter. [03:23:12] Speaker B: Yeah, about that. [03:23:14] Speaker A: You feel like you don't deserve luck. [03:23:18] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:23:21] Speaker A: But you're lucky. I don't know you're just lucky. That's cool, people. The queen of fire can handle more things at once than probably any other court card on the deck. She's a masterful multitasker. That's you. Who's also so charming that she usually has friends swarming all around her. Her family adores her because they are her first priority. However, this doesn't keep her from rising through the ranks to become president of a company, a famous author, or the owner of a successful business. [03:23:59] Speaker B: How about all three? [03:24:01] Speaker A: Right? She's very independent, and her brilliance usually allows her to have her own way. Should you choose to go into business with the queen, you will make sure your visions match hers. If you're on the same wavelength as she is, you'll be able to write a beautiful story. But if you have ideas contrary to hers that you feel strongly about, you might want to choose a different partner. [03:24:31] Speaker B: That's good, because me and my boyfriend think the exact same thing. [03:24:35] Speaker A: That's good. You're good. [03:24:38] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:24:39] Speaker A: You don't got to worry about that. [03:24:40] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:24:42] Speaker A: Astrology. The queen of Fire is Aries with a generous helping of Pisces. Aries is the sign of getting amazing things done. It's the beginning of the zodiac and is therefore focused on creating. Pisces is a very caring and intuitive sign that senses the needs of others. It's easy to see how these two signs combine to create such a passionate and nurturing person. [03:25:13] Speaker B: You know what's nice about that? My boyfriend's a Pisces and my moon is Aries. [03:25:19] Speaker A: Wow. See, there it is. Wow. That's cool. [03:25:25] Speaker B: Yeah, that's cool. [03:25:28] Speaker A: Yeah, that's it right there. That's exactly. It was talking about that. It was talking about you and your boyfriend right there. [03:25:34] Speaker B: That's nice. [03:25:35] Speaker A: That is really nice. [03:25:36] Speaker B: Yeah. So this is probably talking about, like, 2019 to 2021 time. [03:25:42] Speaker A: Yeah. See, that's good. [03:25:45] Speaker B: Yeah, it's really good. [03:25:47] Speaker A: It's just like, you're focused, you're cared for. So you're going from that into now. Just appreciating the moment and having fun with it. [03:26:03] Speaker B: Yeah. Because that's the three of water. [03:26:07] Speaker A: Oh, my goodness. This has been such a good poll. [03:26:11] Speaker B: Yeah. So is yours. This is a good day. [03:26:14] Speaker A: It is a good. Telling you. I'm telling you, it's the Sagittarius time. It's a good time. Love Sagittarius, Susan. [03:26:23] Speaker B: Yeah. I'm going to appreciate it more now. [03:26:31] Speaker A: I started noticing it a few years ago when I started really getting into astrology horoscopes, when I first started trying to make horoscopes for myself. I started paying attention to what was going on and how it was affecting me. And ever since then, I'm noticing all these patterns and stuff and I'm able to, like, I don't know, it's kind of weird too because you can anticipate stuff, but you can't really plan for it. You kind of just have to live. [03:27:22] Speaker B: What do you mean? [03:27:26] Speaker A: If I know that, for example, it'll be like, usually what happens is around Scorpio time, I end up getting really curious about things and I get really, like, I don't know, things start getting really know. And usually stuff gets kind of, like, crazy. And then there's the whole celebratory time of Sagittarius. And then that goes into the new year, which ends up it's capricorn time. So it's like hard work. And then I'm starting the year, so there's a lot of starting and I end up being really busy in the beginning of the year. And then, I don't know, I notice different things throughout the year, I guess, and that could just be, like, how the year goes too. But I like to relate it to astrology. I think it's fun. [03:28:33] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:28:34] Speaker A: It's more fun to say the signs versus saying December. [03:28:38] Speaker B: Oh, 100%. Let's take earlier you were talking about Christmas and you're like, this is a time to celebrate. And I was like, I've never fucking thought of Christmas that way. I've never thought about time that way. Like, oh, Christmas means I have to be happier. What do you mean? Because I'm usually like, oh, I should be because I don't believe in New Year's resolutions. [03:29:03] Speaker A: Right. [03:29:04] Speaker B: Because I believe that you should make goals every single day. [03:29:08] Speaker A: Yeah. [03:29:11] Speaker B: So I've never really been attached to time like that, ever. But when you're talking about it, it feels like it really means something. And it feels like I should probably rethink that idea of time. [03:29:26] Speaker A: And last year was the first year in a long time that I really took New Year's resolution seriously. Right. Because I had this conversation with myself where for the longest time I was the same way. I was like, just work on yourself all year because a lot of the time they try to sell you things around at the beginning of the year. [03:29:51] Speaker B: Yeah. Like gym memberships. [03:29:52] Speaker A: Gym memberships. They try to sell you healthy food. [03:29:56] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:29:58] Speaker A: It's kind of fat shaming a little. It's ugly. [03:30:02] Speaker B: Wait, what was I going to say? It was like commercialization of motivation yes. [03:30:10] Speaker A: And it's distasteful, and that's why nobody wants to make gold. But what I did was I wrote myself a big list of all these new year's resolutions, right? And I told all my family that I was doing New Year's resolutions. I was asking them if they were doing it. And of course they were like, oh, we don't believe in that. I don't believe in that. And I told them, I was like, well, I'm going to try them. And even if I don't achieve any of these things on the list, me celebrating the holiday, making a goal, it's all in good fun. And if I try it, I get that much better at being a good person because my list was like, eat healthy food, drink water every day. I wrote a really long list. [03:31:00] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:31:01] Speaker A: And granted, you should be doing that stuff every day, but being like, I'm going to set this goal for this year. [03:31:08] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:31:09] Speaker A: It's like, what's wrong with that? [03:31:11] Speaker B: Yeah. You know what that reminds me of? [03:31:13] Speaker A: Yeah. What? [03:31:14] Speaker B: There's this folder of an old school folder that has this, what do you call it? Like a paper carrier. Like, you know those clear things where you just put pieces of paper in there. [03:31:26] Speaker A: It's like laminated but not. [03:31:28] Speaker B: Yeah. And it goes in your binder and you could take them out. Well, I have a little laminator thing in this folder that I keep around with me, just like in any household that I have. And it has other stuff, too, like old notes me and my friends wrote or just old timey things to look at from the grade school days, right? And sometimes I go through it and I always find this packet, this little laminated packet of me saying, like, oh, hey, Amelia, I'm going to set a list of goals until the next time you find this. And then it's like, I'm going to do this, this, and that, and then I find it a year or two later, and I'm like, oh, I can't believe I did all of these things or some of these things, and maybe I dropped this one off a little bit, but it's fine. And it's like, yeah, I go back on what I did before and reflect, and then I set my new goal, and then I go to find it later, and it's like a nice little thing. So I think that's me kind of like replicating the tradition of doing a new year's resolution. I think that's my selfish way of making my own new year's resolution thing. [03:32:49] Speaker A: That is nice. It's nice to set goals and you can do it your own way whenever time you want. And that's great. [03:32:58] Speaker B: I like that. [03:33:00] Speaker A: But there's also something so fun about a holiday that I appreciated as I. [03:33:07] Speaker B: Get older, like a time of year. It's like something to look forward to each year. Like, oh, I get to be thankful about people today. [03:33:15] Speaker A: Yes. I get to buy people's stuff. I get to wear a silly hat on Christmas. [03:33:24] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:33:24] Speaker A: So great. It's so fun. [03:33:26] Speaker B: It's really cool. [03:33:27] Speaker A: I don't ever wear hats. [03:33:29] Speaker B: Yeah. And I've been appreciating, like, it kind of sucks in California because there's only one season, basically, or like two seasons, you don't really get a. And like, it's kind of hard to understand the seasons down there just because it's a desert and there's not a lot of life down there. There's not a lot of plants. It's usually just like there right now at my place. Yeah, it was snowing earlier, but now it's a little rainy, but it's getting super cold and there's so many trees dying and making leaves. And that happens in California. But you know what's the greatest thing about it? There's farmland up here. So I get to see one month they're growing hay, and the next month they're reaping it and harvesting it. And then month after that, you see fucking hay bales for sale at their place and it's like, wow, I just saw that transition this entire year that I've been here. [03:34:43] Speaker A: Yeah, that is really cool. You got to see the whole season. You got to watch the world spinning around you. [03:34:51] Speaker B: And I feel like in California, it's kind of like, oh, we're pretending that it's going to, we're pretending it's cold, but it's not really that cold. It's not really that much colder. [03:35:03] Speaker A: Yeah, I know, it really is. We have fun, though. [03:35:10] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:35:12] Speaker A: In our own californian way. [03:35:14] Speaker B: Yeah, exactly. [03:35:16] Speaker A: But it is different, for sure. And it's cool that you're getting to see all that up there. [03:35:21] Speaker B: You know what's also funny, like, the week of thanksgiving, there's just a bunch of fucking wild turkeys, like, walking around our neighborhood and it's like, oh, no wonder they eat turkey around this time. They just fucking show up in their front yard. [03:35:42] Speaker A: My gosh, it's the wild west up there. [03:35:45] Speaker B: Yeah, it's so crazy. [03:35:47] Speaker A: Turkeys. Turkeys. I know that. That's cool. [03:35:53] Speaker B: They're just wild turkeys around. There's wild foxes. There was wild raccoons, wild deer, and you get to see like, oh, it's a deer breeding season. Or like, the deers are giving birth and now there's baby deer all over and like, oh, this is a late litter because they're small, but there's already some teenager deers that were born like a month ago. [03:36:16] Speaker A: Yeah. [03:36:16] Speaker B: So it's really interesting seeing that growth. [03:36:19] Speaker A: Up here in the life cycle. [03:36:22] Speaker B: Yeah, exactly. [03:36:24] Speaker A: Yeah, it's cool. All right, I'm going to read your card. [03:36:27] Speaker B: All right. So night of fire, and I'm sending. [03:36:32] Speaker A: He's passionate, he's adventurous, self assured, and restless. This is also you and your past. There are times in our lives when situations we handle anticipated require us to move quickly. It doesn't have to be a challenge that worries us. It might simply be something wonderful to consider, like having multiple job offers, but short period of time to decide. We wouldn't want to make a rash decision, but we're probably going to have to come to a conclusion pretty quickly. Thinking is important, but feelings will probably tell us more about what we do. We need to consider all our options in great detail. And then off we'll go. [03:37:16] Speaker B: Hmm. [03:37:18] Speaker A: Wonderful. Consider. Yeah, I feel like that's true. You just have a lot going on. [03:37:24] Speaker B: Pretty much, yeah. [03:37:27] Speaker A: A handsome night gallops into our field of view. It's easy to imagine him asking, how may I help you? [03:37:37] Speaker B: Oh, my God. That's literally what I was talking about. [03:37:40] Speaker A: That's you. [03:37:42] Speaker B: How may I help you? [03:37:45] Speaker A: You're such a people pleaser. [03:37:48] Speaker B: I fucking am, man. What do you think about that? [03:37:53] Speaker A: His white horse tells us that we can expect to be very successful in our endeavor. Our intentions are honorable and we need have nothing to fear. Our knight carries with him a wand rather than a sword. The solution to our challenges comes from passion and creativity rather than intellect. Behind the knight is a body of water, indicating he's riding along the shoreline. The element of water, earth, the shore, and fire. His want tell us that we will trust our feelings and passion in a balanced way in order to make our choices. All right, so he's just going for it, I think is the whole thing. He's showing up. [03:38:45] Speaker B: Balanced is the keyword. [03:38:47] Speaker A: What is it? [03:38:48] Speaker B: Balanced. [03:38:53] Speaker A: Okay, I'm going to read more. The number for our night is 34, which indicates that we need not worry. We have a great deal of help from our angels and the ascended masters. In much the same way that the knight in shining armor shows up to assist us, so too, do our protectors in heaven. The number reduces to seven, three plus four. To show us that we're on the right path and we need not be preoccupied with the results, I feel like that's important. [03:39:25] Speaker B: Yeah. The results. [03:39:28] Speaker A: The journey, not the destination. [03:39:30] Speaker B: Yeah. Because whenever I make stuff, I feel like, why am I even doing this? So I just need to not be caught up on that. [03:39:47] Speaker A: Yeah. [03:39:51] Speaker B: And I feel like it's accurate to be the past because I feel like I have gotten over this for the most part. But there's still sometimes notes of your old self coming back. More of that. [03:40:04] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm past this. [03:40:05] Speaker B: Yeah. And it's more of that regression you were talking about, that retrograde. So when you say you take a step back and it's like, oh, this is what I used to do, too. And then you go away from that, and it's just this back and forth of balancing yourself out as a person. [03:40:23] Speaker A: But taking a step back allows you to take more steps forward. If you can come to terms with who you've been, it helps you become. [03:40:35] Speaker B: Better, and it helps you not go too much in a direction that you're not supposed to go in. [03:40:42] Speaker A: Right. [03:40:43] Speaker B: Like, taking that step back is also kind of like those crossroads type of images where it's like you take a step back before you make that cross or before you get too far, because it's like, oh, I probably shouldn't have went that way. Let me just take a step back a little bit and go back to where I was. Like, where I need to go instead of here. [03:41:14] Speaker A: Right? I'm getting tired. [03:41:21] Speaker B: Yeah. It's so late. [03:41:25] Speaker A: Hold on. I'm going to read this. We're going to get through this. [03:41:29] Speaker B: Okay? Sorry. [03:41:31] Speaker A: No, don't be sorry. [03:41:32] Speaker B: Okay. [03:41:35] Speaker A: People, sometimes unexpected things just come up. But the night of fire is here to save the day and save us. He most certainly will do, since that's the type of quest he lives for. That's you living for your passion. This knight has it all under control. Clearly able to accomplish ten things at once. There you go again. He moves very quickly, all the while flashing us a charming smile. He loves adventure and is confident in his ability to succeed. Just keep him busy because this night gets restless very easily. If there's no damsel in distress, no day to save, or no world to keep protected from injustice, then he's likely to wander off to other parts of the world where his considerable skills are needed. That's true. [03:42:29] Speaker B: That was making me feel insecure. [03:42:31] Speaker A: Why. [03:42:33] Speaker B: Just keep him busy? It just feels like a flaw. But then it's not a flaw. Because it's good to be occupied and do stuff. [03:42:43] Speaker A: Well, I like that because what I was talking about was like, if he has all these skills, right? And if he's in a place where it's not being used, it's not really fair to him. He has all these skills and he's not able to use them. He's not able to perform at his full potential. That's not fulfilling to him. How is he going to be happy? He's a freaking knight. Can't put like a knight in it. Like, I don't know, a box sucks. So he's a lot happier being in an environment where he's being performing at his full know. [03:43:33] Speaker B: Yeah, you're right. [03:43:35] Speaker A: That's what I took from it. [03:43:36] Speaker B: That's nice. I'm glad you took that from it. [03:43:40] Speaker A: The knight is Leo with a bit of cancer thrown in. He loves the spotlight that his adventures bring him, but he also cares about those he's rescuing. Both Leo and cancer have a penchant for the dramatic, so expect our night to be bigger than life. Still, beneath this fiery exterior, which is seemingly made up of only passion and flash, resides a heart as good as gold. That's nice. See, he cares. It's good. You're good. You care. That night is you. You know it. [03:44:20] Speaker B: Thank you. [03:44:26] Speaker A: You're welcome. [03:44:32] Speaker B: You're welcome. Yeah. These are court cards. [03:44:39] Speaker A: What's that? I forget. [03:44:41] Speaker B: People. [03:44:44] Speaker A: Yeah, I think that's you. [03:44:46] Speaker B: Yeah. During the night, I feel, like, embarrassed. [03:44:51] Speaker A: Why? [03:44:52] Speaker B: I don't know. It's just like looking at yourself in the mirror and you're like, why am I the way that I am? [03:44:58] Speaker A: Yeah. But I took it as really cool. [03:45:02] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:45:02] Speaker A: And that's your past, too. [03:45:04] Speaker B: Yeah, that's true. [03:45:05] Speaker A: So you're just kind of like going for it and you're really good. And if you get bored, you're not going to do it. And then there's the forbeyer, which is the. What was that one about all kinds of stuff? [03:45:23] Speaker B: It was having a great life. [03:45:26] Speaker A: Yeah. That was the prosperity and stuff. And it was also creating a home too, for yourself. So you managed to create a home and you also were. I feel like the night of fire is also about finding your place in the world. That's what I got a lot from it. And it's a skillful person looking for a place to put their skills at. And sure, they're fiery and it's this night running around on a horse, but it's just curious. It's just trying to figure it out. And that kind of transitions into more prosperity. And it's celebration. It's the whole celebration. The friendship, the enjoyment, the present. And I think it's kind of telling you to enjoy the present. And then I think the future one. What was that one talking about? Oh, that was the four. [03:46:45] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:46:46] Speaker A: What was that about? [03:46:48] Speaker B: The eight. Prosperity. [03:46:53] Speaker A: More prosperity. See, it's a bunch of prosperity. That's so good. I'm going to read the summaries. [03:47:00] Speaker B: Okay. [03:47:03] Speaker A: Check it. Three of water. Okay. I'm going to start from the past because I kind of like that. Do you like that? [03:47:10] Speaker B: I like that. That's usually what I do. But this is just the direction we went in this time. Just to have fun, I guess. [03:47:17] Speaker A: Right. I'm going to start from the past. [03:47:20] Speaker B: Okay. Sorry. I started from the present. [03:47:23] Speaker A: No, don't. Okay. So there's the queen of fire situations. Now it's time to stretch your wings and really fly. You've been underestimating yourself and your abilities. Believe in all that. Wait, did I mess that up? [03:47:41] Speaker B: No, you didn't. You're good. [03:47:43] Speaker A: Believe in all that you can do and accomplish. You'll naturally attract other people to assist you. Assert your independence and creativity. [03:47:53] Speaker B: Assert. Wow, man, that's like, put yourself out there. [03:48:02] Speaker A: Well, that was what you were doing. [03:48:04] Speaker B: Yeah. So it's what I've done. [03:48:09] Speaker A: Yes. What you've done. That's a good way to put it, people. A person with a magnetic personality who is good natured and loves life. Someone with great self confidence who is astonishingly well rounded in terms of talents and skills. Attractive, warm, intelligent, graceful, capable, active, convincing, difficult to throw off guard. Shoot solid. Additional meaning of this card. Trusting your intuition, balancing home and career. A desire for attention and recognition. See, that's good. [03:48:49] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:48:50] Speaker A: And this other one? Situations. Oh, the night of fire. I guess I should talk about the titles. You're good. [03:48:59] Speaker B: Do whatever you want. [03:49:01] Speaker A: Situations. A significant situation requires your immediate and full attention. While time is of the essence, it's important to avoid making rash decisions. Enthusiasm and self assuredness are wonderful so long as they aren't separated from wisdom and caution. People a person who's passionate about anything, he or she takes on. A take charge individual who moves quickly in confidence and certainty on behalf of loved ones or beloved causes. Fearless, loyal, charismatic, self assured, adventurous, restless, possibly impatient or insistent when it comes to having his or her way. Additional meaning of this card. A sudden, impassionate love affair, business travel, a change of residence and emergency. So, change. Yeah, I think it's mostly about finding your place, though. [03:50:00] Speaker B: Yeah. Because this is past 2019 2021 area. Everything's changing. My entire life is changing. [03:50:09] Speaker A: Right? [03:50:10] Speaker B: Yeah. Because it's when I was dropping out and completely shifting my life from where I was going, that taking a step backwards type of thing. [03:50:19] Speaker A: That's wild. And then you get into three of water. It's time for a celebration. Weddings, announcements of pregnancy or birth, and reunions are likely. Graduation or promotions are on the horizon. You need to have more fun. You're working too hard and must learn to relax, throw a party or take a vacation. Additional meaning of this card. Community hospitality, entertainment, good fortune. Happy conclusions. Yeah, I don't like the way they said you need to. It's kind of like, yeah, I'm doing it. [03:50:58] Speaker B: What do you mean? [03:51:01] Speaker A: It's telling you you need to on that page. But I feel like when we were reading it, it was more like, this is a time. This is a great time. It wasn't really like, you better make sure you're doing that. [03:51:15] Speaker B: Yeah. But also, that is something I need to be told is, you should probably have fun. The only way that I could have fun is me kind of telling myself I need to have fun. Like, no, this is a good thing because usually I'm like, I shouldn't be doing this. I should be doing other things. But it's like, no, you need to have fun. And that's what makes me have fun, is by saying, no, I need the relaxation. [03:51:42] Speaker A: Yeah, well, yeah, and I guess it works. That's funny. That's funny that you ended up getting the one that said that then. [03:51:57] Speaker B: Yeah, it's completely appropriate. [03:52:04] Speaker A: Okay. And then this is what we're looking forward to. You've worked hard and are now rewarded with contentment, peace and abundance. The freedom your success has afforded you provides deep feelings of satisfaction. You've safely navigated your way through the obstacles to a place you can feel proud of. Matters at home are rewarding. Someone may be getting married or planning to move in with the partner. Peace and Harmony have been established, and now you seek stability and commitment. Additional meaning of the card. A milestone event in your career. A successfully completed project. A counting your blessings, feeling elated. Engagement, marriage or honeymoon. All kinds of good stuff. [03:52:53] Speaker B: That's really good. You know what I was kind of worried about in terms of structure? [03:53:01] Speaker A: What? [03:53:01] Speaker B: Well, you remember how you asked the question, how did I do last month? [03:53:09] Speaker A: Yes. [03:53:10] Speaker B: Well, I was kind of afraid when I was pulling out these cards because I forgot to do that first. But what ended up happening is they answered it with the double left side anyway. [03:53:21] Speaker A: Right. [03:53:24] Speaker B: Because the question that you asked is basically like another question for the past, but having the three card reading already makes, like, a past card, so that question is already implied. But it just also did the double. So you basically had a double pass reading, and so do I have. Which is why you had two air in the first place, because those are both in the past. [03:53:47] Speaker A: I know. I thought it was funny that I got, like, two unicorns. I was like, okay, that's good. That means that it's true. [03:53:55] Speaker B: Yeah. So it's like double reassurance. [03:53:58] Speaker A: Yeah. And it's interesting that I'm moving past, not to be specific, but, like, air sign people. [03:54:10] Speaker B: Yeah. Crazy. [03:54:15] Speaker A: Yeah, it's kind of really specific. I keep getting the aired ones. [03:54:21] Speaker B: Okay. Yeah, exactly. And you're moving past it, which is why your future cards and your present card didn't have any air. Because I'm like, why is she getting air cards if she's not even an air sign? It doesn't make any sense. It makes sense that you're getting rid of people and it's just people that you've been around. [03:54:44] Speaker A: Yeah. And honestly, I'm stepping more into myself, and I feel a lot like myself. [03:54:51] Speaker B: That's good. That was, man, I love that I'm stepping into myself. [03:54:56] Speaker A: Yeah. And it's so important to me because I can lose myself a little. It's easy to lose yourself. I don't know. [03:55:10] Speaker B: You know what that reminds me of? You know how he said before I would get cards that are just, like, shitty ass cards from my past? That's that whole family situation and where you come from. And that's what you were saying about. That's why you're getting only air signs in the past, because you're saying you're stepping into yourself, which implies that you have never been yourself or not never, but you haven't been being yourself. And you've been identifying yourself with the people around you, but now you're identifying as yourself. [03:55:49] Speaker A: Yes. [03:55:50] Speaker B: And for me, since I've been doing that for a few years now, my past is now things that actually represent who I am. [03:55:58] Speaker A: Yes, that's true. That's so true. Oh, my gosh, that's so true. And it's finally starting to be, like, things that you worked for. That's crazy. [03:56:12] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:56:13] Speaker A: And it's funny. You probably got past cards, and you probably received those before, and they were probably, like, future cards. [03:56:22] Speaker B: Yeah. All of these cards on the left side. And just like, in general, I've drawn them before. But you know what was funny was that these queen of fire and the night of fire were in the future section or the present section. They were never in the past section. But now I've developed myself enough where this is the past, like, this future that I was presenting to myself is now the past. I've moved in time to where it is, the past now. [03:56:50] Speaker A: Yeah. And it's like what I was saying before about how you were like, when's the future? And I was like, right now. And you're like, what? And I was like, well, technically, right now is the present, but we're always stepping into the future. It's kind of like that. I don't know. [03:57:10] Speaker B: I really felt that, too, because this reading is only for this moment. So the future does mean a second from now, or what the future would be if you could keep living the way you are right now. Which is the whole thing about tarot is if you get a bad card in the future, you could change that by changing yourself. [03:57:32] Speaker A: Yeah. [03:57:33] Speaker B: So if you don't like where your future is headed, then you better change it to something else. [03:57:40] Speaker A: Shoot. [03:57:41] Speaker B: And that's how your cards were with that choice in the previous one. [03:57:49] Speaker A: Yeah, with my choice, my choice was so wild, I took, like, a few dates. [03:57:57] Speaker B: Oh, my God. Really? [03:57:59] Speaker A: Yeah, and I really read those, and I really thought about it. And it's funny because it was kind of simple. The lesson was really simple. It was like, it's obvious. Don't do it if it's not helping. But I really sat and I was like, what isn't helping? What am I working so hard towards that isn't helping? And I'm like, everything. And I just really kind of deconstructed everything. And, I don't know. I wanted to do good, so I decided I was going to do good, and I really tried to figure that out. [03:58:40] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:58:41] Speaker A: And it worked out. Worked out good. And I'm going to keep doing my thing on the path. I'm going to keep celebrating and enjoying my time. It's going to be busy, and it's going to be prosperous. And I'm going to be kind. That's what it was telling me, too, to be kind. [03:58:57] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:58:59] Speaker A: It was crazy. [03:59:01] Speaker B: I loved your strength card. [03:59:04] Speaker A: This was so fun. [03:59:06] Speaker B: Yeah. I had a great time, Laura. [03:59:09] Speaker A: I did, too. We'll do it again soon. We'll do in, like, two weeks instead of a. Yeah, yeah, we'll do that. [03:59:18] Speaker B: I would like that. [03:59:19] Speaker A: Okay. [03:59:20] Speaker B: If you're available. [03:59:22] Speaker A: Yeah, we'll figure it out. We'll figure it out. [03:59:26] Speaker B: It was really nice, though. [03:59:27] Speaker A: I'll be busy. I'm going to be busy according to the cards. [03:59:31] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [03:59:33] Speaker A: Just kidding. [03:59:35] Speaker B: I'm going to be happy. [03:59:38] Speaker A: Shoot. There you go. Prospering. [03:59:41] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:59:43] Speaker A: All right, dude, I got to go to bed. [03:59:46] Speaker B: Yeah. It's so late. We were going to watch a movie, but I feel like that plan is over. [03:59:53] Speaker A: I know. [03:59:54] Speaker B: Yeah. [03:59:55] Speaker A: Oh, man. Well, we had a lot to cover. [03:59:58] Speaker B: Yeah, it was a lot. It didn't go in the direction I thought we were going to go, but I'm completely satisfied with where it went. [04:00:08] Speaker A: Me, too. I really am, too. I feel like it was really insightful. It was really feel good, and I'm going to be all thinking about it, and it's going to be a good time. [04:00:19] Speaker B: Yeah. I was really happy to hear that you were reading them for, like, a few days. [04:00:25] Speaker A: I really was. I wrote notes and I was like, okay, this. I was, like, adding it up. I'm probably going to do the same thing with these ones, too. [04:00:35] Speaker B: Fuck yeah. Fuck yeah, dude. [04:00:37] Speaker A: And it helps. [04:00:39] Speaker B: You know why that makes me so happy? [04:00:42] Speaker A: Why? [04:00:42] Speaker B: Because I feel like, not to sound shitty or anything, but I feel like I talk to people and I'm like, hey, if you just did these things, you'd be pretty cool about it. And I feel like they just take it and don't really consider it, but maybe they don't do that. I'm just thinking that they do that. But I generally feel underappreciated in the content of the things I'm telling people. [04:01:04] Speaker A: Don't take your advice. [04:01:06] Speaker B: Yes. [04:01:06] Speaker A: You can take it seriously. [04:01:07] Speaker B: Exactly. So when someone actually does take my advice, I'm like, holy shit, that's so wild. [04:01:12] Speaker A: And it was really helpful, and it really got me out of, like, a rut because I was going to keep going. [04:01:19] Speaker B: Yeah. [04:01:21] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. Yeah. I made some big changes and stuff, and it was awesome. That's great. I actually do appreciate that. I appreciate you reading my cards and stuff. [04:01:32] Speaker B: And it's really not me giving advice, it's the cards. But it was just really nice to hear you take the advice that the world gave you and make something for yourself. What's funny is I have no idea what you change. No idea. No idea how your life changed or why it changed or how you're feeling. Just the fact that you're saying it changed. And I'm like, oh, that's so great. Yes. [04:02:02] Speaker A: That'S it. [04:02:05] Speaker B: I have no clue, absolutely no clue on what you're doing at all with your life. [04:02:12] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. Yeah. I don't know. I'm just doing it. I don't know. I couldn't even explain it honestly. [04:02:19] Speaker B: But it's great. [04:02:21] Speaker A: Yeah, no, it's working. Like I said, I don't know, dude. I'm doing all kinds. I was going to start listing it off, but I was like, nah, but yeah, I'm going to go to bed. [04:02:40] Speaker B: Okay. [04:02:41] Speaker A: Yeah. So good night, and good night to your podcast. [04:02:46] Speaker B: Good night, podcast. [04:02:47] Speaker A: I hope they enjoyed it. [04:02:49] Speaker B: I hope they did, too. I wonder who's listening. [04:02:54] Speaker A: You know what? I feel like if we make enough of these, somebody's going to find one they really like, and then they're going to go back and binge them. [04:03:04] Speaker B: Yeah, exactly. [04:03:05] Speaker A: And this is going to be like a relic of the past. And even not, we might go back and binge them. [04:03:11] Speaker B: Yeah, because I watch the podcast now because I'm editing them to overlay stuff and like, I get a lot out of rewatching it, especially in these ones where you're talking about me and how my life is going and we're doing a reading.

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