I tried really hard to get this video posted at 10:20 10/20/2022. Let's hope this is nice to watch. I actually have a really great time recording these, so I'll still make them.
22:00 - I leave the bathroom.
28:00 - I release the chickens.
34:00 - I walk into the office.
39:19 - A video of bees.
39:50 - I talk about stories in general, as a concept.
42:00 - Chicken Interlude.
42:29 - I talk about The Sims and how my attitude towards life hasn't changed much.
44:50 - I act as if God exists.
46:13 - I arrogantly boast about the possibility of me being a philosopher.
46:30 - Oh my god. More about philosophy. I'm completely cringing into a ball, not that extreme.
46:53 - I used to slap kids in the face when I was also a kid. (Bathtub Thought 1)
49:06 - Do what it is you came here for. (Bathtub Thought 2)
51:43 - Prophets.
53:36 - Old people have a higher chance of being wise.
55:48 - I don't delete old social media posts / pictures.
56:54 - I'm trying to immortalize the version of myself that I am right now.
57:27 - Why does beauty equal healthy and vise versa?
01:02:14 - Pursuing STEM wasn't a waste of time.
This is my MUTHA FUKIN BROTHA FOR LIFE Syddog. In this episode she's PREGNANT WITH A MUTHA FUKIN BABY and we're catching up from...
Amelia (This is me talking by the way) makes her first appearance since her last podcast with Syddog Steiger! That fuking podcast aired more...
Always gotta love a conversation with the family. Elena deleted tiktok. Albert is contemplating starting a twitch. I gave him a tarot card reading...